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Seeress of Prevorst, the

Category: Mystic

Gabriel Cornelius Ritter von Max (Czechoslovakian, 1840-1915)
Portrait of Friederike Hauffe

Frederika Hauffe, [or Friederike] (1801-1829) known as the Seeress of Prevorst was born on September 23rd 1801, in Prevorst Germany and died when she was only 29 years old. 

At the time, Prevorst was a small village of only about 400 people in hilly and forested countryside.  The population made their living from woodcutting, charcoal and the fruits of the forest.

Her father was a forester, her mother the daughter of a successful merchant, but her maternal grandfather Johann Schmidgall, who lived in Lowenstein three miles away, was a clairvoyant. 

From a very early age Friederike was able to see ‘ghosts and spirits’, had very unusual dreams and could dowse.  Not only could she find water, but using only a hazel wand, she was able to find metals.

Thus on one occasion, when her father had lost some object of value and threw the blame on her, who was innocent, her feelings being thereby aroused, in the night the place where the things were, appeared to her in a dream.


Recognising she was an unusual little girl, her parents sent her at the age of five to live with her grandfather and from him she learnt how to channel her gifts.  When Friederike was twelve, she returned home to take care of her parents, both of whom had become ill.  In total she had spent 7 key years with her grandfather. 

As she grew up she developed an ability to be able to diagnose illnesses, offer cures and eventually she began to prophecy. She could hold letters and without looking at the letter know what was in it.  She had numerous out of body experiences.

 And she was able to record her ‘inner’ language the language she used to communicate with the spirit realm.  It was a symbolic realm, and from the symbols she used it appears she was in part using her own symbol system to record it, nevertheless she was clearly close to the Word and all its various incarnationsrunes, ogham, cuneiform and so on.


Married life

When Friederike was 17 the family moved to Oberstenfeld, about 4 miles from Prevorst and a year later, she became engaged to Gottlieb Hauffe, a successful merchant.  She married him in 1821.  Not long afterwards they moved to Kurnbach about 15 miles away to where her husband lived.

But this location had a very negative effect on Friederike.  It was gloomy and low lying, whereas she had been used to open meadows, forests and hills.  Within a year she became ill.

Friederike was described as “thin and fragile with deep penetrating eyes” and had “an oriental look”.  She was also small and her enormous eyes were fringed by long dark eyelashes.  “she was a delicate flower and lived upon sunbeams”.

She was essentially a ‘sensitive’ and being a sensitive means that many things affect you that do not affect other people.  Many foods can severely unbalance you; ‘negative atmospheres’ for example, rooms with aggressive or unpleasant people can send you completely off balance.  Cities and large towns are a disaster – the energy seeps out of you like water, until you are almost unable to go on.


 Sensitives usually react violently to man-made chemicals and fabrics – anything artificial can make them ill with skin complaints and lethargy or sickness. 

Sensitives these days seek out secluded very quiet locations in the country, surrounded by Nature, eating only plain unprocessed organic foods, drinking only water and tea. 

The vast majority of sensitives [and this may be because of the subconscious symbolism involved] feel extremely uncomfortable in valleys and always seek out the tops of hills and mountains.  Their natural instinct is to ascend.  The symbolic association of ascension becomes a part of their way of life.  Even then they still become ill quite frequently.  And Friederike being a super sensitive was very ill a lot of the time.  She bore all this with remarkable acceptance:

She exudes a spiritual radiance that hypnotises visitors and even with her illness, she appears serene and calm and exudes love and warmth

Interestingly as her spiritual powers grew, her sensitivity increased and her illnesses became worse.  She started to be able to ‘remote view’ by staring into crystals and mirrors, she was able to predict when someone would die and if they were ill; and she frequently communicated with Spirit Helpers.

She tried as best she could to fulfil her duties as a successful merchant’s wife, but she longed for solitude.  Business and spirituality do not mix, the spiritual are not the least bit money minded and are often useless with money.  Furthermore the sort of pointless chit-chat and entertaining that goes with being a business man’s wife would have been an anathema.  The truly spiritual are alarmingly honest and straightforward, with not a political bone in their body. 

Friederike was described as being near death’s door at times.



 In February 1823, Friederike gave birth to her first child, a little boy.  During the first week of his short life, he slept as if in permanent communication with the spirits, his little body curled up, his arms and feet crossed.  Six months later he died, in August.

Grief at the loss of a child affects every mother, but the grief of the sensitive is like a call to heaven, the silent inner cry rings out across the universe.  The grief is utterly debilitating, at times it seems as though the entire world cries with you, the mournful sigh of the wind, the scream of the seagull, the wail of the wind in the branches of trees.  She haemorrhaged.  Her friends tried everything to help her, they even called in a person who supposedly used ‘Sympathetic Magic’.  He gave her an amulet, which simply made things worse.


There is just the hint that she did not eat properly, as she was described as being unable to get out of bed and when she did, she fell over, completely lacking in strength.  For those who are sensitives and who suffer this level of grief in the physical, the spiritual realm with its supportive spirits and its beauty seems a much better proposition, most sensitives have no fear of death, because the idea of death appears a little meaningless.  One loses one’s body – an encumbrance at the best of times -  and a source of pain, ‘death’, the event of losing one’s body is actually quite attractive.

Now, not only could she remote view, but she could remote feel as well as remote hear, in effect a total and complete out of body experience. 

And she was not alone.  The spirit of her grandmother came and started to help her on a very regular basis.  Detrimental objects were ‘apported’ out of the way and she began to be able to ‘see’ the dead – and all her spirit helpers.  She also began to communicate with them openly, somewhat alarming her family as the language she used was, of course, incomprehensible – the language of spells.

Her family decided to move her to her uncle’s at Lowenstein away from the oppressive atmosphere of her husband’s house.  She regained her appetite, but despite the fact she told her family what she needed to get well, they ignored her, bringing in new quack doctors, whose medicines sent her back down the road to illness.  They even tried exorcism, that didn’t work either.

At which point, Friederike’s family decided to seek out the help of Dr Justinus Kerner who lived in the town of Weinsberg. 

Dr Justinus Kerner

Dr Justinus Kerner was a well known German physician and the only reason we know about Friederike, is because the doctor kept notes of everything that Friederike did.   She arrived on November 25th 1826.  Kerner described her as a picture of death, wasted like a skeleton and unable to rise or lie down without assistance.

Dr Kerner was not just a doctor of medicine, he was also an accomplished poet and ‘it was rumoured he dabbled in mysticism and the occult’.  So he was perfect.  Initially he tried conventional medicine, which [as it always does with sensitives] had the opposite effect it was supposed to and made her worse.  Feeling that he had nothing to lose, he then allowed her to prescribe her own treatment – treatment which would come to her in a clairvoyant state, and of course it worked, she stabilised.  The treatment she prescribed herself was Mesmerism.  On April 6th 1827, Friederike moved into Kerner’s home and lived with the good doctor and his wife for 2 ½ years until her death, where they treated and looked after her. 

More grief


Kerner employed a friend who was an expert in mesmerism to treat Friederike.  Every day for 7 days, he made the ‘magnetic passes’ over her.  The result was that Friederike started to recover.  She was able to sit up in bed and started to feel stronger.  The treatment continued for 27 more days and although Dr Kerner realised she was never going to be ‘better’, he hoped for at least a return to some sort of more pleasant life, with fewer of the debilitating symptoms.

And then came the final blow.  She received the news that her father had died.

The shock finally propelled her into a state which was almost permanently out of body.  A living ghost. 

Dr Kerner
From her eyes there shone a real spiritual light, of which everyone who saw her became immediately sensible.  And whilst in this state, she was more a spirit than a being of mortal mould.  Should we compare her to a human being?  We should rather say that she was in the state of one who, hovering between life and death, belonged rather to the world he was about to visit, than the one he was about to leave.

Her death

In May 1828, Friedrieke started to sense that her time on earth was limited.  By January 1829, she was convinced from all the signs that she would die in May.  Her protecting spirit appeared to her and pointed to a half open coffin, which symbolically can mean death or a danger of death – in other words a warning to beware.  She asked to be brought back to her uncle’s at Lowenstein.  It should be noted that although her husband’s house had affected her, she missed her husband badly and loved him dearly.  The move was intended to help her see him before she died.  She was moved to Lowenstein on May 5th 1829.

On August 5th, she became delirious and died at 10 o’clock.  Her sister saw a tall bright form enter the chamber and at the same instant the Seeress uttered a loud cry of joy, as if she were being set free.  As her spirit departed it left behind an almost unrecognisable body, it was found to be almost wasted to a skeleton.  She was buried in the idyllic little churchyard of Lowenstein.

The legacy of Friederike

Friederike was a very accomplished mystic and entirely genuine.  She did not benefit in any monetary way from her abilities and her abilities were extensive.  In addition, she did not abuse those abilities but used them to help others – the sign of a true mystic.  Her only ‘failing’ was that she did not know how to handle the transitions that were taking place – the changes in energy levels and gifts.  They made her ill.  Once, when the Mysteries were fully operational, she would have been taught how to channel and address these changes properly, what food to eat, what things to avoid; but she had no one to help her but her spirits.

Dr Kerner took detailed notes during the time Friederike lived with him.  He noted that her prophesies were nearly always correct, that her diagnoses of illness were accurate and that when she prescribed cures for people, they worked.  Dr Kerner called in his esteemed colleagues and friends and they all came to the same conclusion:  Friederike was an admittedly very ill, but genuine seeress, a clairvoyant who appeared to live half way between the spiritual world and the physical realm in a rather uneasy in between state – half spirit and half not.

After Friederike died, Dr Kerner published his notes in the form of a learned book, with the objective of furthering scientific research on the topic.  The book has a snappy title – Die Seherin Von Prevorst;  Eröffnungen Über Das Innere Leben Des Menschen Und Über Das Hereinragen Einer Geisterwelt in Die Unsere, which translated means The Seeress of Prevorst; being Revelations Concerning the Inner Life of Man, and the Inter-Diffusion of a World of Spirits in the One we Inhabit.

“Regarding the facts I am about to relate, I have only further to say that of the greatest number, I myself was a witness; and that what I took upon the credit of others I most curiously investigated and anxiously sought, if by any possibility, a natural explanation of them could be found, but in vain”.

In 1845, Catherine Crowe had the book translated and published it in English, it is still in print and remains the only English translation.  Unfortunately it is not complete, as some of the sections are missing and some of the diagrams.  We have thus turned to a book by Dr John DeSalvo, which is itself an interesting read and includes some of the missing diagrams.


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