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Seeress of Prevorst, the - A glimpse of Paradise
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Seeress of Prevorst – Dr John DeSalvo
I am on a mountain-Oh! Might I go down to the right, over those golden clouds, where I see that flowery vale! To the left I see nothing but graves and corruption-behind me I see mankind struggling and fighting, like lions and tigers-to the right the flowers are smiling on me, but I will to death and the grave.
Must I fall under this stroke? Lead me where thou wilt-Oh! Fearful dream!-Oh! Guide me ! Must I sink into the abyss? Thou art powerful and strong-Do I understand thee aright? -Must I remain on this mountain? Yes, I must stay till the hour is come; but thou art with me by day and night-if thou forsakest me, I fall. Oh! Let me awake from this fearful dream!