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Fury, overwhelming rage and anger

Category: Events



Introduction and description

Anger is one of the emotions, if you turn up the volume and intensity it escalates to become fury and rage.  It is generated when there is a perceived threat.  Note the word perceived.  It is how we interpret it, it may not be a threat at all, but it is a reaction to a perceived provocation. 

As it has been observed:

“While most of those who experience anger explain its arousal as a result of ‘what has happened to them’, psychologists point out that an angry person can very well be mistaken because anger causes a loss in self-monitoring capacity and objective observability.”

We are taught in both western and eastern society to control anger, fury and rage because it generally leads to hurt.  But anger is like a pressure cooker, if the pressure gets too great it will simply explode and you have fury, fury of an overwhelming nature.

Being an emotion which is associated with overload it can eventually cause illness.  In the short term it increases the heart rate and blood  pressure, and increases the adrenaline and noradrenaline levels.  In effect we have stimulated the sympathetic nervous system in a ‘fight or flight’ response.  If this is a permanent condition, however, as you can see it will put tremendous strain on our heart and other organs.  For example……

Anger-related personality traits and carotid artery atherosclerosis in untreated hypertensive men
- Bleil ME,  McCaffery JM, Muldoon MF, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Manuck SB  Behavioral Physiology Laboratory, Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh
An antagonistic disposition (Trait Anger), particularly a tendency to experience anger on minimal provocation (Angry Temperament) and a propensity to express anger outwardly (Anger-Out), are associated with heightened carotid atherosclerosis. These findings suggest that recently reported prospective associations between these anger dimensions and incident cerebrovascular disease may be mediated, in part, by increased atherosclerotic disease.

Animals are better at handling anger than we are.  When they encounter a perceived threat – an aggressor – they make loud sounds [a dog growls for example or barks], attempt to make themselves look physically larger, bare their teeth, and stare. Which is why it is not a good idea to look at any animal directly – it interprets this as a sign of aggression.  In animals this response usually works.  In humans we don’t seem as well adapted to cope.

But uncontrollable fury can produce spiritual experiences, usually  negative ones.


In the section on the Types of Spiritual experience, you will see that one type is environmental influence  - the person gains the ability to influence the functions of the universe.  Thus they may be able to levitate [for example walk on water or hot coals] or move objects without touching them [psychokinesis] or affect the weather. 

Psychokinesis or ‘PK’ is the equivalent to what was once called poltergeist activity.  There is now enough evidence to show that 'poltergeists' do not exist, the movement or influence on objects is achieved by people and people who have achieved extraordinarily high levels of emotion – more particularly angst and anger.

Electrical equipment can be affected and its operation disrupted as well as ordinary objects affected such as cups or tables.  Much 'poltergeist' activity has been traced to the emotional disturbances of young people, but some people just because of their hugely heightened emotional state have a PK ability.  And normally these are ANGRY HURT people.

It is no accident that the Greeks chose the Furies to show the powers that high emotion can generate.  Called the Erinyes ( literally "the avengers") from the Greek  to pursue and  persecute, these women were  "infernal goddesses" .  Their number is usually left indeterminate, but Virgil  recognized three:

  • Alecto – representing implacable unceasing anger
  • Megaera – representing someone who bears a grudge
  • Tisiphone – who represents revenge and "vengeful destruction"

In effect all the negative emotions associated with anger from jealousy to hate, anger, fury, malice and so on could be regarded as a ‘Fury’.  And the attribution of the ‘goddess’ to them is a recognition that it can bestow great power on the person with this level of emotion, albeit a totally destructive and often uncontrollable power.

Love's Shadow (1867) Painted by Frederick Sandys

The power of the emotion of anger to generate effects is also recognised in the character of Morgan le Fay in the Arthurian legend.  She is a ‘sorceress’ and a magician driven partly by the emotional jealousy and anger of Arthur himself.  The early accounts of Geoffrey of Monmouth refer to Morgan in conjunction with the Isle of Apples (later Avalon) to which the fatally wounded Arthur was carried.  To Geoffrey, she was an enchantress, but in the legends of  Chrétien de Troyes she was also a healer.  This matches well with all the accounts given of shamanic ability where those who use high emotion are capable of ‘evil’ acts and ‘good’ acts simultaneously.

How it works

You will need to be able to reference the Model of spiritual experience whilst you read the following.  This has a definition of the terms I use. For a generic description of this activity in context see How spiritual experience works

Fury is an emotion of extreme intensity.  Any form of reminder of the cause of this anger – a chance remark,  a sudden jog to the memory which then produces memories, and the subconscious simply ramps up the intensity.  If the cause of the anger is ever present, this turns into a cycle of ever increasing intensity

Fury is a form of hurt, because the cause is a perceive threat – so the child in us is calling out for something to be done about this threat. 

Many adults can manage to control this level of emotion and use learnt functions to gradually tone the intensity down – calm the subconscious.  Thus an adult rarely ramps up the emotional level to the point where it has any effect. 

But children, particularly some adolescents and adults of, shall we say, a less intellectual and adult disposition do nothing against the onslaught.  Interestingly, a person like this is often regarded as being immature and a total embarrassment in modern cultures, because of the hurt often caused by this level of emotion.  It can have a highly destructive effect.  Those with reason tend to use it, but those with poor reasoning power or no learnt function just let the fury overwhelm them.

And the intensity of emotion blots everything else out – absolutely everything – reason, logic, desires and objectives, obligations and opportunities.   Nothing is left except the vast sea of emotional PAIN PAIN PAIN because ultimately fury is about pain.

And the Will is overwhelmed.  So it gives in and the Composer takes over. 

But what it often provides is not at all nice.  The potential for hurt is high and the Composer uses the occasion to launch in with some very effective ‘stick’ messages – there are no ‘carrots’ in the observations I have come across.

So it may well provoke an experience, but it is not one we would voluntarily want.


There are examples of psychokinesis here, but I have also included some examples where the anger became inspiration,where a poet was able to direct the fury he felt into poetry and a mystic was able to convert his anger at the injustice of wrongful imprisonment, into more positive results.


Related observations