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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Sri Aurobindo - 09 Savitri Book XI Canto I



Type of Spiritual Experience


One of the things that happens as the journey proceeds after a rebirth experience is that what you are and what you want become almost irrelevant. 

This does not mean you start to take orders from someone else or listen to the voices in your head following blindly.  It means you somehow get the feeling that you are guided, that you have to take what is given in terms of  things happening and you stop making plans, because the plans are being made for you. 

It is an odd feeling of helplessness, but for someone who has spent their entire life having to make decisions, plan, be decisive it can be a welcome relief.

A description of the experience

Aurobindo Ghose – from Savitri Book XI, Canto I

All that thou hast, shall be for others' bliss,
All that thou art, shall to my hands belong,
I will pour delight from thee as from a jar,
I will whirl thee as my chariot through the ways,
I will use thee as my sword and as my lyre
I will play in thee my minstrelsies of thought
And when thou art vibrant with all ecstasy,
And when  thou liv'st one spirit with all things,
Then will I spare thee not my living fires,
But make thee a channel for my timeless force.
Who hunts and seizes me, my captive grows;
This shalt thou henceforth learn from thy heart-beats.
For ever love, O beautiful slave of God

The source of the experience

Sri Aurobindo

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

