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Williams, Nicholas
Category: Other spiritually gifted people

Nicholas Williams was a young boy who took part in Professor John Hasted’s experiments in the 60s and 70s on children and some adults and their spoon bending skills.
We do not know what happened to Nicholas after the experiments were completed, as Professor Hasted was very careful to protect his children from unwanted publicity, both at the time of the experiments and afterwards.
The experiments usually took place in Nicholas’s parents’ house in order that he felt relaxed and safe, but was always witnessed by other scientists. As far as possible, other observers were excluded from these sessions, but on some few occasions the presence of Nicholas’s father, Dr Terry Williams, Dr Miller and one or two family friends was allowed. Professor Hasted took all his measuring equipment with him, which must have been quite a feat, as it included cameras, strain gauges and numerous pieces of metal.

Since it was necessary that Nicholas should be in one location during the entire session, a suitable occupation had to be found for him. He was already an experienced builder of model aircraft and ships, using commercial assembly kits, glue and paint. And so he was asked to do this at a work surface in the open-plan ground-floor living-area of his house.
A number of metal objects were used in the experiments, not just spoons, and at one point, individual latchkeys, each containing its own strain gauge, were arranged in suitable locations, suspended from their own electrical connections, so as to minimize mechanical coupling between them.
Professor Hasted tried to keep a low profile during these experiments in order that Nicholas forgot about his presence and his position varied between the lounge sofa, the kitchen and even the stairs.
Nicholas usually went out while they set up the equipment.

Professor Hasted did not conduct metal-bending experiments in a large hall or in the open air, so that the limits of action have always been set by the small room in which the subject and the specimens were situated.
Nicholas Williams was able regularly to affect strain gauges at 5 m distance, and on one occasion very large signals were observed in synchronism, with a distance of 9 m between them; one strain gauge was on the ground floor of his house and another on the third floor, where Nicholas himself was situated.
On several occasions during an afternoon with Nicholas, the experimenters and Nicholas left the strain gauges and chart-recorders switched on in a locked empty house and went for a walk together. It was possible that signals would be recorded while we were out, since Nicholas was intending that they should. But nothing of significance was recorded.
As such Professor Hasted concluded that Nicholas's powers did have their limits in terms of distance, unlike some of Professor Hasted's subjects, who appeared to have been able to affect quite distant objects [although Professor Hasted also believed that a process called induction - the invocation of the same powers in others through telepathy may have been at work here].
Although the majority of experiments on Nicholas Williams are documented in Professor Hasted’s book The Metal-Benders, a much more detailed document is also now available Physical Aspects of Paranormal Metal Bending. The report appears to have been written specifically for the CIA, or at least the Secret Services, but is now a CIA declassified document, available on the Internet.

The experiments described in this report were expressly designed to test the paranormal metal-bending abilities of only Nicholas Williams, who was at the time of these experiments seventeen-years-old.
The experiments took place in his home on thirteen separate days during 1976. Initial validation tests were carried out according to previously developed methods, leaving the maximum amount of time for synchronized chart-recording experiments on signals from two and ultimately three resistive strain gauge sensors. In essence, these test were building on the experience gained from the other earlier tests.
This report has the advantage that it is very detailed with quite a lot of background information about positions equipment and so on described in some detail.
It will be noticed that the extracts from Professor Hasted’s book The Meta Benders that we found on the Internet contained no diagrams, whereas this report has the diagrams, tables and charts.
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- Williams, Nicholas – Action on strain gauges not stuck onto pieces of metal during no-touch sessions
- Williams, Nicholas – Experiments bending latch keys placed around a house using no touch
- Williams, Nicholas – No-touch absence of hardening during paranormal deformation
- Williams, Nicholas – No-touch bending of a suspended latch-key from over fifteen feet away
- Williams, Nicholas – No-touch bending of a suspended latch-key, the range of variation of strength of signal with distance seems to be more or less random
- Williams, Nicholas – No-touch movement of a suspended latch-key and strain gauge visually and by means of a video-camera
- Williams, Nicholas – No-touch violent spontaneous bending and twisting of folded strips
- Williams, Nicholas – Permanent deformation of a metal specimen, without any actual bending being visible
- Williams, Nicholas – Teleporting - the object was found inside a shattered glass sphere, the pieces lying underneath and round the object
- Williams, Nicholas – Teleporting two foils and a crystal out of sealed containers
- Williams, Nicholas – The effect of screens, of glass, brass and mild steel on metal bending activity
- Williams, Nicholas – The permanent magnetization of ferromagnetic cutlery by paranormal bending
- Williams, Nicholas – Using strain gauges to measure post-active effects
- Williams, Nicholas – Using strain gauges to measure strong effects