Observations placeholder
Williams, Nicholas – No-touch movement of a suspended latch-key and strain gauge visually and by means of a video-camera
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
During the reception of signals, I have studied the no-touch movement of a specimen and strain gauge suspended from its electrical connections; this has been done visually, and on several occasions by means of a video-camera.
I noticed that when a relatively strong dynamic strain pulse was produced by Nicholas Williams the key would sometimes be joggled a few millimetres and would swing for perhaps a second. This motion was first recorded on videotape with the cooperation of Dr Ron Miller.
But the magnitude of the movements was small, and we cannot make any further generalizations from a study of the tapes, other than that the key was not touched by any visible agency. A stop-clock was included in the field of view, in order that the small movements of the key could be synchronised with the signals recorded on the chart-recorder.