Some science behind the scenes
An unidentified flying object (UFO) is an object observed in the sky that is not readily identified..... The term is widely used for claimed [sic] observations of extraterrestrial spacecraft.
In other words what science has no explanation for cannot exist, a religious view, as this is a belief system and does not match the actual observations. Way back in the 1600s, UFOs were being reported, big ones ........... and ignored.
Wonders In The Sky - Unexplained Aerial Objects From Antiquity To Modern Times - Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck
Among great scientists and scholars who carefully recorded sightings of aerial phenomena they could not identify, and did not hesitate to publish their observations, were mathematician Facius Cardan, Sir H. Sloane (president of the Royal Society), Charles Messier, Cromwell Mortimer (secretary of the Royal Society), and such illustrious literary figures as Casanova and Goethe.
UFOs are spotted quite often even now, here we have a simple map that summarises the observations for the USA.
The link between spiritual objects and UFOs
There is a link between the very physical unidentified flying objects we are now recognising as being real and the content of this site. We have to consider the possibility that some of the beings such as angels, fairies, elves and even chariots in the sky or other odd heavenly phenomenon were very real and not visions or hallucinations. They just didn’t have the words to describe these UFOs, so they labelled them as best they could using terms approximating to the weird things they saw
Wonders In The Sky - Unexplained Aerial Objects From Antiquity To Modern Times - and Their Impact on Human Culture, History, and Beliefs - Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck
1. Throughout history, unknown phenomena variously described as prodigies or celestial wonders, have made a major impact on the senses and the imagination of the individuals who witnessed them.
2. Every epoch has interpreted the phenomena in its own terms, often in a specific religious or political context. People have projected their worldview, fears, fantasies, and hopes into what they saw in the sky. They still do so today.
3. Although many details of these events have been forgotten or pushed under the colourful rug of history, their impact has shaped human civilization in important ways.
4. The lessons drawn from these ancient cases can be usefully applied to the full range of aerial phenomena that are still reported and remain unexplained by contemporary science.
UFO agility and disappearance
The film and video footage of UFOs, not to mention the accounts from people who have witnessed them, universally describe objects that are highly manoeuverable, extraordinarily quick and which can disappear.
Apporting - In order to disappear, the levels and layers might be being used, the UFO could be apported to the next vibrational level, taken to destination, then apported back to the level required.
Attraction and Repulsion laws - Furthermore the observations show the craft are virtually silent, indicating they use technologies based on levitation and the laws of Attraction and Repulsion
Overall these indicate technologies far far in advance of ours and a great unwillingness on the part of the occupants to make contact. Given that we have comparatively primitive technology and are extraordinarily brutal and basic in our behaviour, we must seem like very low level life forms to many aliens.
Fished, farmed and studied
Charles Fort believed we were being researched and farmed – as animals would be, picked off now and again for food and study – much like a wistar rat – and from the observations, not treated a great deal better. The USA and Canada seems to be particularly favoured at the moment, maybe it is the plumpness of the people that appeals:
Charles Fort
I think that we're fished for. It may be that we're highly esteemed by super-epicures somewhere. It makes me more cheerful when I think that we may be of some use after all. …… And I have data that, in this book, I can't take up at all—mysterious disappearances. I think we're fished for.
Furthermore Fort believed that great wars had already been fought over us during the middle ages, and that we were now – as a planet – owned and monitored. He had a great fear of Melanicus in this respect.
Contact between humans and aliens
Contact between humans and aliens seems to have been greater in the past than it is now. It appears we have become more primitive over time as far as visitors to this planet are concerned. At one time, there appears to have been an elite of sorcerors and shamans, who were spiritually gifted enough to be in contact with at least some other life forms. Furthermore there may even have been more permanent visitors – the so called terrestrial hierarchy who were regarded as part of society.
Thomas Keightley – From The World Guide to Gnomes, Fairies, Elves and Other Little People
Dwarfs or Trolls or Hill people [Bjergfolk] dwell inside of hills mounds and hillocks … sometimes in single families, sometimes in societies. They are regarded as extremely rich...Their hill dwellings are very magnificent inside – 'they live' said one of Mr Arndt's guides 'in fine houses of gold and crystal'.
They are obliging and neighbourly, freely lending and borrowing and elsewise keeping up friendly intercourse with mankind; but they have a sad propensity to thieving not only stealing provisions, but even women and children….They can … go about invisibly or turn themselves into any shape...
Thomas Keightley’s folk tales show communication between the different peoples and even marriages. One could speculate they were simply a remnant of our Ancestors from a previous age of man, or an alien race similar to our own, who simply settled here. We will probably never find out because as people changed, becoming unkind and cunning, spiteful and unwelcoming to the visitors, the visitors decided to leave
Grimm's Deutsche Sagen [Source Thomas Keightley]
…. the Dwarf ……. bade him look over his right shoulder and then he saw the country near and far filled with Dwarfs. 'Three thousand years' then said the Dwarf 'have we dwelt in the Dosenberg; our time is now up and we must go to another land'
Abductions and disappearances
....alien abduction claims ….came to international prominence in the 1950s and 1960s, but some researchers argue abduction narratives can be traced to decades earlier. Such abduction stories have been studied by investigators who believe the accounts describe actual, literal interaction with non-human or extraterrestrial entities.
And indeed abductions have been going on for hundreds of years.
We have not collected any observations on the site about human disappearances, but quite a number of observations describe people that are levitated into the sky – and then disappear for good, as well as some that return much later. The folk tales collected by Thomas Keightley include a number of accounts of people who are spirited away, for example:
from The World Guide to Gnomes, Fairies, Elves and Other Little People compiled by Thomas Keightley
The Girl at the Troll Dance
A girl belonging to a village in the island of Funen, went out one evening into the fields, and as she was passing by a small hill she saw that it was raised up on red pillars and a Troll banquet going on beneath it. She was invited in and such was the gaiety and festivity that prevailed, that she never perceived the flight of time. At length, however, she took her departure after having spent, as she thought, a few hours among the joyous hill people. But when she came to the village, she no longer found it the place she had left. All was changed; and when she entered the house in which she had lived with her family, she learned that her father and mother had long been dead and the house had come into the hands of strangers. She now perceived that for every hour she had spent amongst the Trolls a year had elapsed in the external world. The effect on he mind was such that she lost her reason, which she never after recovered
Some of the Biblical accounts of ascension describe events that these days would be called Teleportation
These days those that have been abducted and then returned call themselves ‘experiencers ‘.
Whether spacarians have ever dredged down here or not, or "sniped" down here, pouncing, assailing, either wantonly, or in the interests of their sciences, there are data of seeming seizures and attacks from somewhere, and I have strong objections against lugging in the fourth dimension, because then I am no better off, wondering what the fifth and sixth are like. It may be that witnesses have seen human beings dragged from our own existence either into the objectionable fourth dimension, perhaps then sifting into the fifth, or up to the sky by some exploring thing. I have data, but they are from the records of psychic research.
Night visitors
We have two entries on the site for Incubuses and Succubuses
An incubus is a 'demon' in male form who, according to mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleeping women in order to engage in sexual activity with them. Its female counterpart is a succubus. Salacious tales of incubi and succubi have been told for many centuries in traditional societies. Some traditions hold that repeated sexual activity with an incubus or succubus may result in the deterioration of health, mental state, or even death.
People who are out of body can visit men and women, and may appear to the person as a ghostly form wandering around the room terrifying the person with their presence. But they can’t have sex with anything, because they have no body. And they can’t have children, and there appears to be evidence that babies were indeed produced from these unwanted liaisons.
As such it is worth asking the question ‘are some incubi or succubi aliens? If so, the frequency with which they appear to be visiting has declined somewhat, for when St. Augustine touched on the topic in De Civitate Dei ("The City of God"); there were too many alleged attacks by incubi to deny them. He stated "There is also a very general rumour. Many have verified it by their own experience and trustworthy persons have corroborated the experience others told, that sylvans and fauns, commonly called incubi, have often made wicked assaults upon women."
These days, it seems, they abduct them instead.
UFO Wars
Many of the observations collected by Charles Fort in his books and Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck in their book describe events in the sky which appear to be of wars that took place between rival UFOs fighting for the rights to own our planet. Please follow the link to find specific observations related to this
Along with observations from Charles Fort's books we have also included some [not all] from Wonders In The Sky - Unexplained Aerial Objects From Antiquity To Modern Times - and Their Impact on Human Culture, History, and Beliefs by Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck. In this book the authors examine 500 selected reports of sightings from antiquity to the year 1879.
They selected the cut-off date of 1880 because it marked a turning point in the technical and social history of the advanced nations. They wanted to analyze aerial phenomena during a period that was 'entirely free of those modern complications represented by airplanes, dirigibles, rockets and the often-mentioned opportunities for misinterpretation represented by military prototypes. There may have been a few balloons in the sky towards the end of our period, but the first dirigible able to return to its starting point was not demonstrated until the celebrated flight of French Captains Renard and Krebs on August 9, 1884, and the first airplane (equipped with a steam engine) would not fly until Clement Ader's feat at Satory on October 14, 1897’.
Charles Fort's observations are valuable for the same reason and both books cover observations which, of course, were before photos could be 'photoshopped' and images could be manipulated.
Wonders In The Sky - Unexplained Aerial Objects From Antiquity To Modern Times - and Their Impact on Human Culture, History, and Beliefs - Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck
Back in 1969 the U.S. Academy of Sciences put its stamp of approval on a report by a commission headed up by physicist Edward Condon, stating that science had nothing to gain by a study of unidentified flying objects, even though fully one third of all the cases studied by the commission had remained unexplained after investigation! Clearly, we are dealing with a belief system here, not with rational science.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg
- 16 February 1572, Constantinople, Turkey - Crosses in the air
- 2 Kings 2
- 21 December 1576, Mount Kasuga, Japan - Wheel in the sky
- 21 May 1646, Newmarket & Thetford, England - Vertical pillar of light
- A "witch” gets abducted by paranormal means - 1045, England
- A frightful battle over the city of Genevre - 9 April 1620, Geneva, Switzerland - Flying hats and men in black
- A large light came down over praying nuns At Berecingum (Barking) convent, circled their location, and flew up. – 675AD, Berecingum Convent, near London, England
- A star, and fleet of UFOs - Circa 15 September 1098, Antioch, Turkey
- A village priest - 1619, Prague, Czechoslovakia: - Flying Globes
- Ademar de Chabannes, Chronicon - 1023, France: A ballet of stars
- Agrippa d'Aubigne, Histoire Universelle (1626), III - 1586, Beauvais sous Matha near Tors, France Flying Hat-shaped object
- Ahmad ibn- Fadlan – Sees ‘Djinns’ in red clouds
- Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard – UFOs as apported beings
- Alison Pearson - 1586, Grangemuir, Scotland: Healer abducted by fairies
- Annales de Burton - 14 October 1253, England - A battle of stars
- Archbishop Agobard - And the Ships from Magonia
- Astronomical Records in the Russian Chronicles from 1000 to 1600 A.D. -1491, Vladimir, Russia: A Figure rises in the air
- Barney and Betty Hill; the Girl at the Troll Dance
- Basel: Johann Schroter - 3 July 1612, Switzerland - Battling sky armies
- Battles in the sky - 1092, Drutsk and Polotsk, Ukraine
- Bill sees a space craft
- Black Francis - Inspired by UFOs
- Bowie, David - Black Star
- Bruno Weber - 28 June 1548, Oettingen, Bavaria – Twenty flying vehicles and red flames
- Carl Jung’s Fascinating 1957 Letter on UFOs in Psychology | May 31st, 2013
- Carolingian Chronicles – Rebel Saxons see the likeness of two shields red with flame wheeling over the church
- Cellini, Benvenuto – Sees a huge beam of fire, which sparkled and gave out extraordinary lustre
- Charlemagne sees a Great flaming globe - 811AD, Near Aachen on Via Aquisgrana, Germany
- Charles Fort - Killed by ‘lightning’ or an explosion
- Charles Fort - Lights and cities on the Moon
- Charles Fort - Lights on earth in the sky
- Charles Fort - Mirages of Phantom ships and soldiers
- Charles Fort - Mirages of unknown cities hanging in the air
- Charles Fort - Possible Eclipses by Unknown Dark Bodies
- Charles Fort - Shadows across the moon
- Charles Fort - Shadows across the sun
- Charles Fort - Sightings of a vast Single UFO over the UK
- Charles Fort - Sightings of miscellaneous UFOs with odd shapes
- Charles Fort - Sightings of Multiple UFOs
- Charles Fort - Sightings of single large UFOs
- Charles Fort - Sightings of single torpedo shaped UFOs
- Charles Fort - Sightings of UFOs and Lights from Mars
- Charles Fort - Sightings of UFOs near Jupiter
- Charles Fort - Sightings of UFOs near Mercury
- Charles Fort - Sightings of UFOs near Saturn
- Charles Fort - Sightings of UFOs near Venus
- Charles Fort - Sightings of UFOs rising from the sea or water
- Charles Fort - Sightings of UFOs seen in earth’s atmosphere
- Charles Fort - Sightings of UFOs seen in earth’s atmosphere accompanied by earthquakes
- Charles Fort - Sightings of UFOs, stones that fell from the sky with earthquakes
- Charles Fort - Sightings of Vast revolving shafts of light rising from wheels in the sea
- Charles Fort - Unwanted and spontaneous levitation of different objects
- Cheu Mih - May 1295,1 Hing, China - Two flying Dragons fall into a Lake
- Christophorus Schere - 1619, Fluelen, Lake Lucerne, Switzerland - Fiery dragon
- Chronicon Henrici Knighton - 14 October 1387, Leicester and Derbyshire, England - Revolving wheel in the sky
- Circa 350, Emesa, Syria - Eusebios ‘s dialogue with a sacred baitylos
- Circa 523, Kent, Britain - Weird sky phenomena, drops of blood
- Cmdr Fravor and Lt Cmdr Jim Slaight pilots each in an F/A-18F super hornet see UFOs
- Cronaca di Rolandino da Padova - 1252, Padua, Italy: Flying light, seen for an hour
- Cronica Mozarabe - April 750, Cordoba, Spain: Three suns, a sickle of fire
- D. Gastao Coutinho - 9 May 1641, Braga, Portugal: Flying disk, entities
- Dr David Hufford – The Old Hag, Incubus, Succubus, Alien Abductions and Sleep Paralysis
- Dr. Eugenio Torralba - 1521, Cuenca, Spain: Contact with a flying Alien
- Dr. M. W. De Visser - The Dragon in China and Japan - Battle in the sky 1169, China
- Ecgbert I, king of Kent – sees a Pillar of light and splendid globe in 664AD
- Ekkehard of Aurach - On the Opening of the First Crusade (1101) - Battles in the sky
- Elsie’s kitten
- Eniaytos terastios Mirabilis annus - 14 March 1660, London (Westminster) England - Peculiar cloud
- Ennin - Two "sacred lamps" astound the crowd
- Enrico Martinez - 13 January 1553, Porco, Peru - An unexplained "comet" is taken as an omen
- Erscheinung am Himmel uber Nurnberg - 14 April 1561, Germany – Fighting Spheres, Disks and Vertical cylinders
- Ezekiel 1 and 2
- F W Holiday and the Loch Ness terror
- Fairfax, John – Rowing Alone Across the Atlantic – The ‘UFOs’ and an OBE
- Father Alberto Guglielmotti 20 September 1571, Lepanto, Italy - A flaming column guides the fleet
- Father Antonio Cesena - 1546, Caranza near La Spezia, Italy – Sightings of a Disk that changed colour
- Fincelius - 19 June 1550, near Trebnitz, Saxony, Germany - Bloody rain, split sun
- Flores Historiarum - 4 November 1322, Uxbndge, England - A pillar with a red flame
- Flying airplanes
- Flying dragons over Paris - 18 February 1579, Paris, France
- Fort, Charles - The Book of the Damned – Fall at Dhurmsalla, of live fish, a ‘red substance’, stones, accompanied by UFOs and earthquakes
- Francesco Fontana - 11 November 1645, Location unknown - Unidentified planetoid near Venus
- Francesco Guicciardini - 1494, Apulia, Italy - Three suns at night
- Full Inter-dimensional Interview: Bashar and Alan Steinfeld 01
- Full Inter-dimensional Interview: Bashar and Alan Steinfeld 02
- Full Inter-dimensional Interview: Bashar and Alan Steinfeld 03
- Full Inter-dimensional Interview: Bashar and Alan Steinfeld 04
- Full Inter-dimensional Interview: Bashar and Alan Steinfeld 05
- Gaimar's History of the English - 1067, Northumbria, England – Single large fiery UFO
- Geoffrey of Monmouth – 497AD, Winchester British Isles - Globe in the sky and two light beams
- Gervase of Canterbury – Battles on the moon 18 June 1178, Canterbury, England
- Gianfranco degli Esposti - About 1347, Florence, Italy: Low-flying cigar-shaped objects at the time of the Black Plague
- Gilbert's Annalen - 1 March 1564, near Brussels, Belgium - Aerial bombardment
- Giovanni Bernardo Poggi - 18 October 1482, Albisola, Savona Province, Italy A dazzling object stops a battle
- Gregory of Tours - 584, France, exact location unknown: A battle of lights
- Grigore Ureche - 8 November 1517, Moldavia, Romania - An object resembling a face
- Habakkuk 3
- Hans Buchmann - 15 November 1572, Romerswil, Switzerland - A farmer’s abduction
- Hendrix, Jimmy - And the UFO sighting
- Huge celestial object - 2 September 1394, Forli, Italy
- Inca Gracilaso de la Vega - August 1533, Peru - A mysterious "non-comet" warning
- Isobel Haldane - 1613, Perth, Scotland: Abducted by fairies
- Jacques Duclercq, legal adviser to Philippe III - 1 November 1461, Arras, France: Hovering object
- James Silk Buckingham - 1660, New England, American Colonies - Aerial phenomena to the rescue of Puritanism
- Jan Beckovsky - 20 July 1571, Prague, Czechoslovakia – A UFO in the streets of Prague
- Jean Le Guen - Circa 1635, Port-Louis, Brittany, France - A Procession of sky beings
- Jefferies, Anne – First vision and abduction by the faeries
- Jerome Cardan, De Subtilitate Rerum Libri XXI (Nuremberg, in-folio 1550), XIX.
- Jochanan ben Zachaï is asked by Rabi Eleazar ben Aroch for tuition on a chapter of the Mercaba
- Jose Pellicer - 4 May 1641, Madrid, Spain: Unexplained black cloud and a burst of sound of unknown origin in the sky
- L 'Histoire de Charles VI - 1395, Languedoc, France - Aerial combat
- L. Brinckmair - 12 May 1624, Anhalt, Germany - Chariots in the sky
- Lengley-Dufresnoy - 1 February 1620, Quimper-Corentin, France - Green flying creature
- Lennon, John - On seeing a UFO in 1974
- Leone Cobelli - August 1487, Forli, Italy: Floating cartwheel in the sky
- Les Signes Effroyables Nouvellement Apparus - 13 October 1621, Nimes, France - Fiery chariots, a great sun
- Liou Ying - 3 June 1277, China, - Strange event seen at dawn
- Lycosthenes - 1520, Hereford, England: Fiery circle flies up
- Lycosthenes - 1528, Utrecht, Netherland: Yellow object in the sky
- M. Prevost, curate of Lussac les Eglises - 1608, between Angouleme and Cognac, France - Flying warriors
- M.D. Teenstra - Volksverhalen en Legenden van vroegere en latere dagen - 1182, Four suns and armed men in the sky
- Mario Omodei - 29 September 1504, Tirano, Val Poschiavo, Italy - Abducted by a lady of light
- Matthew Paris - Chronica Majora - 1239 France A great light, ascending
- Memoires de Nicolas Soldoyer – 26th September 1568, Tournai, Belgium - Great circles of fire and men on horses fighting each other
- Michelangelo - 1513, Rome, Italy: Michelangelo’s flying triangle
- Mirabilis Annus - 3 October 1660, Hull, England - Large tapered flying object
- Mirabilis Annus - 30 November 1660, Ilford, Essex, England - Dogfight in the sky
- Mirabilis Annus - 11 October 1660, Hertford, England - Flying circle with appendages
- Mirabilis Annus - 12 October 1660, London, England: Two unknown beesomes
- Mirabilis Annus - 30 October 1660, Austy, England - Multiple objects and a Body of Fire which rose up into the Air
- Mirabilis Annus Secundus - 20 March 1661, Canterbury, England - A Star with an opening
- Morihiro Saito - 20 July 1349, Japan - Two shining objects clash
- Morihiro Saito - 3 August 1294, Japan, - Red shining object
- Mr Harris and the blue fork
- Mushers in the Iditarod dogsled race
- Nestor, Russian Primary Chronicle - 11 February 1110, Pechorsky Monastery, Russia
- Nichiren Shonin - 12 September 1271, Japan - Saved from execution by a flying sphere!
- Nostradamus – 1st February 1554, Salon de Provence, France - UFO sighting
- Notabilia Temporum of Angelo de Tummulillis - 19 February 1465, Italy: Great ship in the air
- October 1461, Metz, France: Many lights, seen twice
- Paul Selva - 8 September 1296, Loreto, Italy - Globes of light, and an elliptical object
- Pedro Cabal - The slow-moving light seen by Pedro Cabral
- Pedro de Valdivia - 15 October 1550, Biubiu River, Chile - The Lady from the Comet
- Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa - 7 February 1580, Straits of Magellan - Red, fiery flying shield
- Pierre Boaistuau - 15 May 1544, Nay, Beam, France - An object shaped like a fiery sword
- Pierre Boaistuau - 5 December 1577, near Tubingen, Germany - Flying black hats
- Poitiers, France 507AD - King Clovis is guided by a light in the sky
- Police helicopter crew sight a strange craft
- Popular Mechanics - What the Hell Was That Mystery Aircraft Flying Over Oregon
- Prince Michel the Brave - 15 October 1595, Targoviste, Wallachia, Romania - Hovering object
- Qiu Fuzuo - 1523, Changsu, Jiangsu Province, China - Flying ships, carrying men
- Raphael Holinshed - Winter 1394, England - Another wheel-shaped object
- Reverend Jacques Fodere - 23 January 1603, Besangon, France – A Self-propelled cloud
- Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards - UFOs landing at his Redlands estate
- Saint Benedict of Nursia observed a glittering light that became a fiery globe
- Saint Thomas Aquinas - 1273, Naples, Italy - A light enters the bedroom of the sick man
- Salimbene de Adam - Circa 1284, Parma, Saint Rufiino, Italy - A duel of stars
- Samuel Coccius - 7th August 1566, Basel, Switzerland - Aerial Combat; Many black spheres in apparent aerial combat, several turn red and disintegrate.
- Scottish peasants - 1590, Scotland, location unknown - Tubular object seen hovering over their town
- Several countrey gentlemen and ministers - 1659, Leicester and Nottinghamshire, England - Flying coffin
- Shen Kuo - Stories on the Bank of a Stream of Dreams - The bright pearl in the lake
- Shi Bo - April 1639, Yuan, Fengxian, Shansi province - China Flying star at funeral
- Signes merveilleux en la presence du Roy - 12 January 1589, Saint-Denis, France – Warring clouds
- Simon Goulart - 15 December 1547, Hamburg, Germany - Heat-generating globe at midnight
- Simon Goulart - 16 January 1538, Franconia, Thiiringen, Germany – The Disk that melted metal
- Societe Beige pour l'Etude des Phenomenes Spatiaux - 27 October 1180, Kii Sanchi, Nara, Japan – a glowing vessel
- St. Augustine witnesses the destruction in 396, of Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey
- Suketoshi Abe - 2 October 1235, Japan: circling lights in the sky
- T. Forcey - May 1646, The Hague, Netherlands - Fleet of airships, occupants
- Tao Zhongyi - 5 Feb. 1355, Suzhou (Pingjiang) Jiangsu prov., China - Enigma
- The 'Annunciation,' by Carlo Crivelli
- The Ancestors - Stonehenge - UFOs and explosions
- The Anglo Saxon Chronicle - 793, Northumbria, England - Fiery Dragons, Lightning, and the destruction of Lindisfarne
- The Chronicle of the Archbishops of Trier - 24 December 1299, Tier (Treves), Germany - Globes of light, and an elliptical object
- The Chronicon Angliae - Summer 1360, England and France - Armies and towers in the sky
- The day UFOs stopped play By Richard Padula BBC World Service Sport 24 October 2014
- The death of Saint Columba - 9 June 597AD, Ireland: An immense pillar of fire
- The guardian of the Asinelli Tower - 1390, Bologna, Italy - Unknown creatures flying aboard a fiery object
- The Lonnie Zamora incident - A UFO close encounter on Friday, April 24, 1964
- The terror of the hostage victim
- Thomas Barker - An Account of an extraordinary Meteor, which resembled a Water-Spout, communicated to the President [of the Royal Society]
- Thomas Keightley – The Fairy Mythology - Bjergfolk
- Thomas Keightley – The Fairy Mythology - Hills ‘raised on red pillars’
- Thomas Keightley – The Fairy Mythology - The Legend of Bodedys. [This legend was oral ]
- Thomas Keightley – The Fairy Mythology – Elves and Celestial Music
- Thomas Short - A general chronological history of the air - 1193, London, England and a bright white ball of light, hovering
- Tom Pope, Constable Snowdon and Brian Grimshawe
- Tractatus de Ecclesia S. Petri Aldeburgensi - 14 April 1054, Belgium - A bright disk in the midday sky
- Unexplained Aerial Objects From Antiquity To Modern Times – 01 Hamburg, Germany December 1547. In the air, at midnight, a glistening globe as fiery as the Sun
- Unexplained Aerial Objects From Antiquity To Modern Times – 02 September 1965, two law enforcement officers from Texas, observe a huge object, which flew within 30 meters of them
- Unexplained Aerial Objects From Antiquity To Modern Times – 03 Emperor Charlemagne was thrown from his horse when a UFO flew over him in 810 AD
- Unexplained Aerial Objects From Antiquity To Modern Times – 04 In around 1460 BC, Upper Retjenu, Lebanon, a ‘star’ defeats the Nubians
- Unexplained Aerial Objects From Antiquity To Modern Times – 05 The voyage of Timoleon from Corinth to Sicily was guided by one or more blazing lights
- Weir, Major Thomas - 1648, Edinburgh, Scotland – Two Flights aboard a fiery coach
- William Knight - Mementos to the World - 1200, England Five Moons in formation
- William of Newbridge - The Fairy Banquet
- William of Newburgh - Historic rerum anglicarum – 1189, A cross shaped UFO
- Willie G – Seeing Auras and chakras and his halo
- Winthrop, John - 18 January 1644, Boston, Mass.: Luminous figures
- Winthrop, John - 25 January 1644, Boston, Massachusetts - A Voice from the light
- Winthrop, John - March 1638, Muddy River near Charlton - Massachusetts: Missing time among the Puritans
- Winthrop, John Junior - 11 September 1787, Edinburgh, Scotland - Wandering globe
- Zacharia Sarcofag - 14 September 1641, Akhaltsike, Georgia - Blue wheel descending