Observations placeholder
Cheu Mih - May 1295,1 Hing, China - Two flying Dragons fall into a Lake
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
As quoted in Wonders In The Sky - Unexplained Aerial Objects From Antiquity To Modern Times - and Their Impact on Human Culture, History, and Beliefs - Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck
A strange phenomenon was witnessed in the fifth month of the year yih-wei, which corresponds with 1295:
"In a short time a heavy wind came riding on the water, reaching a height of more than a chang (ten ch'ih or feet). Then there fell from the sky more than ten fire balls, having the size of houses often divisions. The two dragons immediately ascended (to the sky), for Heaven, afraid that they might cause calamity, sent out sacred fire to drive them away."
The 14th-century chronicler of this incident, Cheu Mih, adds that he had personally observed the results of another 'dragonfall.' Seeing the scorched paddy fields of the Peach garden of The Ts'ing, he interviewed one of the villagers. "Yesterday noon a big dragon fell from the sky," he was told. "Immediately he was burned by terrestrial fire and flew away. For what the dragons fear is fire."
Source: M. W. De Visser, The Dragon in China and Japan (Amsterdam: Johannes Miiller, 1913), 48-49.