Observations placeholder
Full Inter-dimensional Interview: Bashar and Alan Steinfeld 03
Type of Spiritual Experience
This was published on Jun 22, 2015. It appears to have been filmed before 2012. Note the sentence "So, this initial change, you said, will begin in 2012 but it's already begun". Alan is asking 'Bashar' to prophesy 300 years into the future. We are recording this observation in July 2019 and already events do not seem to be as Bashar indicated. Let us take this sentence by sentence
There have been many different kinds of sociological economic and political changes.
It would be rather unusual if, on a planet as large as ours and in 300 years, we hadn't, so this is less a prophecy, more a statement of business as normal
You have created, what you may call a type of organizational system that actually functions as a coordinating body to allow there to be the coordination of skills, the coordination of resources for those that require it.
That is either government or business and we have those already
There is also the idea of unlimited energy sources tapping into the planet's electromagnetic field directly. In that sense, you have reversed much of the idea of what you call pollution on your planet by that time.
Well no sign of that at the moment, pollution is getting worse and energy is provided mostly by wind power and solar power.
You have also erased many of the national borders. Not all of them, but many of them.
More countries, not less are being created, the planet's population is breaking up into smaller more cohesive cultural groups based on tradition not larger ones. Much of that break-up is resulting from the fear and intense dislike of those who would control us. But it is also a survival response to the threat posed by global warming, as smaller units are more agile and able to respond to threats better than larger ones.
You will find that you have begun to change your economic system to something based on the skill sets of the individuals in the society, instead of what you might refer to now as an artificial or arbitrary means of exchange.
This does not make enough sense to compare. Certainly in western societies and those not under totalitarian rule, people are paid based on apparent perceived shortages or abundance of skills, now. A concert violinist [short supply high skills] is paid more than a simple orchestra violinist [more supply, not quite as skilled]. Jobs have indeed been created that we have no need of and where the individuals place a very high price on themselves by pretending they are in short supply. But this bears no relation to the phrase 'artificial or arbitrary means of exchange'
You have begun to grow more crops in a variety of ways to feed many more people on your planet.
Now according to science in this tear 2019, climate change is well underway, and there are some scientists predicting that in 300 years time we will be close to extinction.
So someone has got it very wrong.
Nature volume 552, pages 45–50 (07 December 2017)
..........In particular, we find that the observationally informed warming projection for the end of the twenty-first century for the steepest radiative forcing scenario is about 15 per cent warmer (+0.5 degrees Celsius) with a reduction of about a third in the two-standard-deviation spread (−1.2 degrees Celsius) relative to the raw model projections reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
A description of the experience
Full Inter-dimensional Interview: Bashar and Alan Steinfeld 03
So, where's Earth now, 300 years in the future? Can you tap into that?
It is, in that sense, a planet that has changed drastically from what you understand it to be in your present day and age and it is a civilization with whom we interact and it is a civilization that also belongs as a member of what we might loosely call an association of worlds or an interstellar alliance.
What sort of changes have happened on Earth?
There have been many different kinds of sociological economic and political changes. You have created, what you may call a type of organizational system that actually functions as a coordinating body to allow there to be the coordination of skills, the coordination of resources for those that require it. There is also the idea of unlimited energy sources tapping into the planet's electromagnetic field directly. In that sense, you have reversed much of the idea of what you call pollution on your planet by that time. You have also erased many of the national borders. Not all of them, but many of them.
You will find that you have begun to change your economic system to something based on the skill sets of the individuals in the society, instead of what you might refer to now as an artificial or arbitrary means of exchange. You have begun to grow more crops in a variety of ways to feed many more people on your planet.
But you have also allowed people to begin to extend to other planets as well as you develop spacecraft similar in function to those that we possess.
I know part of the reason you're here is to make this transition into our global conscious society.
To assist you in doing so. Not to make it for you. But to assist you by giving you a perspective that works for us and if you choose to decide that our perspective works for you then you can incorporate it into your reality as well.
Well, it seems like something's working. We are opening up our consciousness to these type of phenomena and many people are evolving...
-Yes. -...to a higher state.
So, this initial change, you said, will begin in 2012 but it's already begun.
The idea of a higher form of accelerated change will allow foundations to be laid down even though you are crossing a threshold of energy in consciousness in 2012, you will begin to see some of the fruits of this change between your years of 2025 and 2033 and by 2050 you will find that you will have made enough changes so as to truly be functioning as a full-fledged member of the interstellar alliance.