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Tanous, Dr Alex

Category: Scientist


The following is a direct quote from the Alex Tanous Foundation for scientific research.

Alexander Tanous, born in Van Buren, Maine in 1926 began to display unusual psychic powers at the age of 18 months. By the time he was nine he had accurately predicted the imminent death of an apparently healthy family friend. At thirteen, he cautioned a neighbor’s son against crossing railroad tracks—within a short time, the boy was killed by a train.

The offspring of psychic parents, he was born with a veil, the mystic cross and a five-pointed star on his left hand, the traditional markings of a psychic. By 1960, Alex realized that he possessed not only the traditional psychic power of predicting the future, but also a wide variety of other abilities. With an eye towards furthering scientific knowledge in this area, he submitted himself to the American Society for Psychical Research for testing. Dr. Karlis Osis, Director of the ASPR, has said, “In a series of ESP tests given to Dr. Alex Tanous in which he scored very high, the law of probability that it was chance was 1 out of 3000.” The odds that his test scores could have been coincidence were 99.9% against.

Dr. Tanous completed a classical education at Boston College and collected an impressive array of degrees—M.A. in philosophy from Boston College in 1960; M.A. in Sacred Sciences and Ph.D work at Fordham University; M.S. Ed. Counseling from the University of Maine in 1973; Doctor of Divinity from the College of Metaphysics in Indiana in 1965. Between 1965-1967 Alex taught Theology at Manhattan College and St. Johns University, both located in New York City. In recent years he taught classes on Psychic Phenomena and related topics at the University of Southern Maine.

From 1968 until the time of his death, he was associated with the American Society of Psychical Research. During this time, he served as the ASPR’s leading “gifted” subject in many experiments. Alex also applied his talents to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders at a psychiatric clinic in Pennsylvania and to studies of Psychic Healing conducted at McGill University in Canada.

His reputation as a gifted psychic led to many invitations to lecture at major universities and organizations around the world. He was the focus of magazine and newspaper articles, and a guest on many radio and television shows, and participated in numerous documentaries on Psychic Phenomena. He was also the author of several books, including Beyond Coincidence and Understanding and Developing Your Child’s Natural Psychic Abilities

Alex appeared in the following the following movies:

  • Journey into the Beyond
  • Mysteries Beyond the Triangle
  • Alex Tanous and ESP Atomic et Galaxie
  • Jupiter Menace



 The Psychic’s Prayer - written by Alex Tanous


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