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Graham, David

Category: Musician or composer


David Michael Graham [born 21.03.1977] is a UK singer, performer and song writer. 

He has performed with many of today’s major chart acts, including Ronan Keating, Take That & Cheryl Cole.

David himself appeared on ITV’s POP IDOL 1 who profiled David’s amazing work in schools [of which more shortly] on prime time National Television and he has also appeared on the television programme This Morning

He “is increasingly becoming one of the most popular male solo artists in the UK”.  

David writes his own music and his song writing ability has been recognized by the British Academy of Songwriters and Composers, who have singled him out as one of the most promising young songwriters in the UK.

The ‘Natural High’ schools programme

But his major achievement is the immensely important initiative - the Natural High Schools Production. This is a show, whose intention is to demonstrate that people do not need to take drugs to ‘get high’, there are numerous alternatives which are far safer, do not damage your brain, and are actually more enjoyable.  And of course one of the major ways of ‘getting high’ is via listening to but especially making musicDrums alone have the capability to provide very effective trance states.


Established in 1998, the Natural High Schools Programme has been tremendously successful visiting over 3,500 schools and seeing more than 1.5 million young people. 

The 75 minute show is based around David’s self penned song 'Natural High’ and is about making the most of your life, using your talents to get a high instead of the fake high from drugs. The song has become so popular that it was remixed by The Brescia Brothers for Sound Syndicate Productions who have worked with the likes of Robbie Williams and Toni Braxton.

David Graham
It’s NOT cool to take drugs and it’s important for young people to be aware of the associated dangers and of the healthy alternatives. When I was younger I wish I had been educated more on what drugs looked like and how they affect the people who take them. I knew that people around me were involved in that sort of thing, for me drugs were an avenue in life I didn’t want to take”

The programme itself was developed and is promoted via a number of different organisations who promote a healthy lifestyle, in other words it is a collaborative venture.  From these organisations, for example, students can also learn about places to get information or support, should they have any problems or need someone to talk to. The presentation itself is interactive and was written and is presented by David Graham himself.  


It includes music, competitions and a ‘positive healthy lifestyle message’, demonstrated using sports equipment and games.  The show has helped win awards such as a Silver Sony Award in conjunction with an ILR in Guildford and helped the crime stopping charity win the best Community Crime Prevention Programme for one of their campaigns.

The presentation is aimed at years 4,5,6,7 & 8, in Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools encompassing ages 8 – 13. David performs his trademark song, ‘Natural High’ which forms the basis of the whole presentation encouraging the use of talents to get a Natural High. The students have the opportunity to interact using their own individual skills to join in with three competitions, MIND, SPORTS & FAME all based around the lyrics in the healthy lifestyles song. Everyone has the chance to join in the performance, even teachers and guests, proving that a good time can be had without resorting to ‘fake highs’.

Goals and aims of the Natural High Schools Programme

·        To establish a relationship with young people as a positive role model in the music industry.

·        To help young people build their confidence and self-esteem when faced with difficult choices.

·        To raise awareness of the dangers that surround illegal drugs crime & anti-social behaviour in a memorable, enjoyable interactive and informative way.

·        To inspire all individuals to use their talents to the best of their ability to get a Natural High rather than the destructive highs from anti-social behaviour.

·        To encourage young people to look at life in a positive way and think about their own choices carefully.

·        To encourage young people to set and achieve life goals with perseverance and hard work.

·        To be a good citizen and care about their friends, family, school and local community.

·        To support PHSE & Citizenship requirements within the curriculum.

·        To encourage thought about the consequences of anti-social behaviour.

·        To educate for life and promote sources of help and advice. (Leaving information with pupils & teachers for referral and follow up during lesson time)

·        Working to support the National Healthy Schools Status, Health Education, Police, Local Council/Government, Crime Prevention Panels, Community Safety Partnerships, DAT, Local Agencies, Local Businesses, Charities & Media to promote Healthy Lifestyles Choices.


And from all the feedback David has received, the programme appears to be enormously successful.  For example:

Hi my name is ****** and a few years ago you visited my school and gave your  talk about drugs. The other day I was in fact offered drugs from a close friend of mine and for some reason your song came into my head and I just told them NO. I just wanted to say thank you for your visit I feel that it helped make me more aware of peer pressure.

Pursuing your destiny

Another subtle aim of the programme is to encourage children to pursue their destiny to ‘get high’.  In other words, to find out why they are here on this planet and go with it!

David Graham

Drugs are one issue raised in the show, but it is all about building young people’s confidence in themselves and working on citizenship. As a role model, I get the students to focus on the positive.  Their Natural Talents will give them a high that no chemical can ever do, people have a wide variety of talents and it’s important for them to realise this from a young age, develop their talents, remember this message for the future and get their ‘high’ naturally.

So…  the pursuit of one’s destiny using the attributes one was blessed with give you a MUCH bigger kick than knocking back pharmaceuticals does.  And generally speaking pursuing your destiny is cheaper, if not FREE! 

The real excitement is in finding out what your destiny is – exploring all the avenues and trying things out – that is where the ultimate kick is obtained.  And once you know – you fly!!


David's son

The following came in part from David’s own website.  David Michael Graham was born on 21st March 1977 at 8.20am, he is the first son to parents Janet and Michael Graham and he has two older sisters Julie and Sarah.

He grew up in a small town near Carlisle in Cumbria and went to Longtown Primary School, Lochinvar Secondary School and St Aidan's Sixth Form before becoming a Singer at the age of 18. At both Nursery & Primary School he was fortunate enough to secure lead roles in many of the school productions but his passion was always on the sports field in fact in any sport. He went on at Secondary school to swim for Carlisle City, play badminton for Cumbria, had trials for both Cricket and Rugby and play tennis, played football for Carlisle School Boys, Annan Athletic and was offered trials at Dundee Utd.

Exercising and keeping fit as well as frenetic exercise are also two safe activities that can promote a natural high as David himself has found out, this and dancing as well as communing with nature can be extraordinarily effective.

Although the theme is interwoven into all his songs, another key mechanism of getting a legal high is LOVE in all its various forms – making love, LOVE and so on.  In 2007, David became a proud father to Zach and whenever he isn't touring he spends most of his time with Zach. Both Father and Son are massive Disney fans and Zach has been to Disneyland Paris 5 times in three years.

Many people ask about David’s self designed trademark.
It stands for DMG (David Michael Graham) and also spells out DAVID.

As a Natural High
Think that I could touch the sky
Just a Natural High
I’ll be old before I die
On a Natural High

As a Natural High
Think that I could touch the sky
Just a Natural High
I’ll be old before I die
On a Natural High


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