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Observations placeholder

Plato - Timaeus - On Fire and Water



Type of Spiritual Experience


It is essential that the symbolism is followed to understand this.  Two levels of change personal and as a whole.

The two forms of relearning on the final stages of the spiritual path: -  by fire - purgatory and by water - purification.

Earth is symbolic and refers to a person, not the earth

A description of the experience

Plato – Timaeus

Like the rest of mankind you have suffered from convulsions of nature, which are chiefly brought about by the two great agencies of fire and water. The former is symbolized in the Hellenic tale of young Phaethon who drove his father's horses the wrong way, and having burnt up the earth was himself burnt up by a thunderbolt. For there occurs at long intervals a derangement of the heavenly bodies, and then the earth is destroyed by fire. At such times, and when fire is the agent, those who dwell by rivers or on the seashore are safer than those who dwell upon high and dry places, who in their turn are safer when the danger is from water.

Now the Nile is our saviour from fire, and as there is little rain in Egypt, we are not harmed by water; whereas in other countries, when a deluge comes, the inhabitants are swept by the rivers into the sea. The memorials which your own and other nations have once had of the famous actions of mankind perish in the waters at certain periods; and the rude survivors in the mountains begin again, knowing nothing of the world before the flood. But in Egypt the traditions of our own and other lands are by us registered for ever in our temples. The genealogies which you have recited to us out of your own annals, Solon, are a mere children's story. For in the first place, you remember one deluge only, and there were many of them, and you know nothing of that fairest and noblest race of  which you are a seed or remnant.

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


