Observations placeholder
Nerval, Gerard de - Artemis
Type of Spiritual Experience
Describing the process of annihilation
Neapolitan refers to the colours of the levels and layers
In the colour symbolism of the chakras, violet is the crown chakra
A description of the experience
from Arthur Symons – The Symbolist Movement in Literature
La Treizieme revient ... C'est encor la premiere; Et c'est toujours la seule, - ou c'est le seul moment: Car es-tu reine, o toi! la premiere ou derniere? Es-tu roi, toi le seul ou le dernier amant? ...
Aimez qui vous aima du berceau dans la biere; Celle que j'aimai seul m'aime encor tendrement; C’est la mort - ou la morte ... O delice! o tourment! La Rose qu'elle tient, c'est la Rose tremiere.
Sainte napolitaine aux mains pleines de feux, Rose au coeur violet, fleur de sainte Gudule: As-tu trouve ta croix dans le desert des cieux?
Roses blanches, tombez! vous insultez nos dieux: Tombez, fantomes blancs, de votre ciel qui brule: - La Sainte de l'abime est plus sainte a mes yeux!* |
The Thirteenth return and again the first And always the only or the only moment Are you queen, you!, the first or last? Are you king, you the only or the last lover
Love who you love from cradle to grave That which I love alone, loves me as tenderly It is the death – delicious, oh the torment The Rose she holds is the pink hollyhock
Saint neapolitain with hands full of Fire Rose with heart of violet, flower of Saint Gudula Have you found your cross in the desert of the skies
White Rose, fall, you insult our gods Fall white phantoms from your burning sky The saint of the abyss is more holy in my eyes |
The source of the experience
Nerval, Gerard deConcepts, symbols and science items
AbyssChakras and colour symbolism
King and Queen
Lovers, the