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Motoyama, Dr Hiroshi – Healing illness
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
From Energetic Medicine: New Science of Healing by Aymen Fares, July 26th, 2011 ·
Question: Can you yourself detect or see whether an illness has a karmic cause, is incurable, or whether it can be cured?
Dr Motoyama: That depends on one’s understanding of the human being. I understand the human being to consist of three dimensions: a body, mind and spirit and each of them has individuality. If the problem or cause comes from the spiritual dimension it is generally caused by previous karma and cannot usually be cured by Western medicine.
Disease at the mental level is caused by things that happen in a person’s present life, producing unstable states of mind, and this can be cured by hypnosis or psychotherapy or psychological approaches.
In that case the person only needs to understand the reason, the causes that create the problem in the mind. On the physical level, if the body has been affected by a germ, one only needs medication and often in a short time the person will be cured.
A karmic disease, or constitutional handicap caused by karma, is very difficult to cure, but if we always pray to God to help such people, then in many cases they can be cured within five or 10 years. The key point is that they should accept the previous life that relates to their disease.
This is a first step in controlling the emotions and one can then observe oneself from the outside. That is the starting point. They pray to God and gradually they can control their emotions and the very egocentric persistence (attitude) of the person gradually disappears. They can then be intact and in a balanced state with other people; and they will be cured.
The source of the experience
Motoyama, Dr HiroshiConcepts, symbols and science items
Cause effect chainHigher spirit
Higher spirit and Perceptions
Higher spirit and personality
Past life
Perceptions - what happens to perceptions
PurgatoryScience Items
Activities and commonsteps
Healing yourselfHypnotherapy
Reducing and controlling emotions
Squash the big I am