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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Search Definitions and symbolism


Arthur Schopenhauer said that coincidence is 'the simultaneous occurrence of causally related events'.  He went on to suggest that single events could figure in two or more different chains of circumstances, linking the fates of different individuals.  Biologist Paul Kammerer took the concept a step further in 1919 by proposing the 'law of seriality' which said coincidences come in series, clustering like cherries, not at random, but as a result of some cosmic principle that 'takes care of bringing like and like together'.

In 1952, the Nobel Prize winning physicist Wolfgang Pauli and the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung collaborated to produce a connecting principle that attributes coincidences to something they called 'synchronicity', which operates independently of the known laws of classical physics.

Synchronicity – as they defined it – is 'the experience of two or more events which occur in a meaningful manner', but which are causally unrelated.  In order to be 'synchronistic', the events must be related to one another temporally, and the chance that they would occur together by random chance must be very small.

Pauli and Jung suggested that there is a single mysterious force at work in the universe that tends to impose its own kind of discipline on 'the chaos required by the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics which holds that the natural state of things is a disorderly and completely random distribution of matter ' [their words not mine].  Jung emphasised the importance of 'meaningful coincidences'  - events which Arthur Koestler was to later call 'puns of destiny'.

Schopenhauer was right when he said there were chains of events – in reality chains of dependent activities  - and this is true in man-made systems as it is in natural systems.  The links are recorded in the spiritual world and known.  Pauli and Jung were right in saying there are laws in the universe other than the physical laws.  The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is irrelevant here, we impose our own order on our part of the universe and 'Nature' imposes its order.

Synchronicity activity dependency and states

The key to understanding synchronicity is to examine what happens as time proceeds and activities are executing.  Suppose the following diagram showed three things A, B and C all ‘doing things’. 

If we represent snapshots in time by the vertical lines, and the states by bubbles we can see that objects in a certain state may be’ resting’ with unchanged states waiting for an activity – the lines with arrows, to occur.

Thus object B is acted on by an activity 1 which changes its state.  Now it is in this state three activities can occur to objects A and B and C [say state A1, B1 and C1].  C is in the right state for a new activity 2 to occur taking it to state C2.  A and B meanwhile wait in state 1.

Now C is in the right state an activity 3 can occur which affects object B and changes its state to B3 and  changes  Cs state to C3.  Finally the fact Object B is in state 3 and object A in state 1 means an  activity 4 can act on A and change its state to state 4.

This is all very abstract, but it shows that whether things occur or not depends largely on their states and synchronicity is dependent on bringing together things with the correct states.

In effect, all things are ‘waiting’ in certain states and when the states of a number of things are correctly lined up other activities can occur. 

When we make a cup of tea, we are there to organise that all things come together – hot tea, milk, cup, at the correct moments. Within the spiritual world the composers are co-operating to ensure that we [as though we were the kettle, cup, milk and tea pot] are all coming together at the right moment.

Object Water Kettle Milk Tea Pot
States Boiled / Not boiled Filled / Not filled In cup/ Not in cup In pot / Not in pot With tea / without tea
With hot water / without hot water



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