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Ruskin, John - Thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven
Type of Spiritual Experience
In one of the more ironic events in Ruskin's life, he was asked by the Christian church council to first speak to their council in what might have been a sort of debate, and then when he declined because of his poor health, to at least write a few letters stating his views.
He agreed to a few letters and these resulting letters make wonderful reading. The following paragraph is related to the Lord's Prayer and his interpretation of what it really meant
Thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven......
A description of the experience
Extracts From Letters to the clergy.
In what respect the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, differ from the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, which are God's .. is seldom, as far as I have heard, intelligibly explained from the pulpit; and still less the irreconcilable hostility between the two royalties…..
Whether it be indeed Utopian to believe that the kingdom we are taught to pray for may come--verily come--for the asking, it is surely not for man to judge; but it is at least at his choice to resolve that he will no longer render obedience, nor ascribe glory and power, to the Devil. If he cannot find strength in himself to advance towards Heaven, he may at least say to the power of Hell, "Get thee behind me"
Ever, my dear friend,
Believe me affectionately
and gratefully yours,