3.3. Teams
People come into our lives and then go according to the tasks we share. Sometimes they appear for one task, we do the task and they go and we never see them again. Sometimes they stay with us for our life. In effect we have been allocated to teams.
In very complex challenges, we may meet the same Higher spirits again and again in different lives. Thus the same Higher spirits may appear again but each time with different souls and bodies! This is why we often get the really odd feeling that we have known people all our lives having only just met them.
Some of us even appear to form a semi permanent spiritual family of two or three or more people who come together life after life until the challenge is complete - the child in one life, the husband, wife, brother or sister in the next, the colleague in another, the friend in another, and so on. There is nearly always a bond of love between such spirits.
This meeting of the same Higher spirit can occasionally be unrelated to the challenge, it may simply be the affinity we have for certain souls. Occasionally we feel we have met our ‘soul mate’ or someone who is, as it were the other side of the coin to us – the black and the white - the union that will make us whole. It is almost as if we were one Higher spirit that had been split deliberately into two.
Sometimes, a single relationship will repeat itself, turning its revolving wheel again and again, especially where there has been overwhelming love and strong sexual passion.
Having now seen so many observations, I had the sneaking feeling that the relationships are often used by the spirit world to drive things forward, a means of effecting change or opening the door.
Great passions drive great works.