5 senses system
The system of the 5 senses – which processes information on taste, smell, touch, images and sound, from the eyes, ears, nose, taste buds and skin. Physical sensations are transported to this system but the processing is information based -– ‘software’ – a function, not a hardware device. For a detailed description see 5 senses.
Autonomic system
The autonomic system is used to describe all the functions of the body that are not under the control of the will, but can operate apparently autonomously, for example the ‘digestive system’ , the ‘circulation system’, the ‘reproductive [sexual] system’, the ‘excretory system’ and so on.
See Autonomic system for a full definition
Beyond the Mind
The model is divided into three. The bottom two levels are ‘the Mind’. The Mind then consists of the conscious and the subconscious. The area beyond the mind is an area of no time. It has been stratified by vibrational layers – ‘earth’, ‘water’, ‘air’, ‘fire’ and ‘aether’ levels. See Levels and Layers
For a detailed description see Beyond the mind
the composer
All input from the wider spiritual world comes via the composer. The composer – the spiritual experience constructs a series of sequences of people, landscapes, animals, and so on, suited to what we need at the time – help, inspiration, guidance, reward, punishment and so on. The spiritual input is recorded as perceptions and our learning function then works on them later to try to interpret them. For a detailed description see Composer
The ‘Conscious’ is our rational reasoning self, the part of us that uses memory and reasoning and logic. The part of us that learns and remembers. This is where we find the ‘will’, and the Personality because ultimately it is the will combined with our personality that is the conscious self. For a detailed description see Conscious
Constructor and Receiver
‘We’ can be viewed as having two sides to us. One part of us - the Constructor - provides us with access to the spiritual world at large. It ‘constructs’ spiritual input of all sorts. It thus enables us to have a spiritual experience [see Types of Spiritual experience] but also provides us with invisible guidance on a day to day basis. The ‘Constructor’ function is a part of our Higher spirit . The Constructor provides access, the Receiver is your conscious self along with your subconscious.
For a detailed description see Constructor and receiver
Data input
The Composer has access to the wider spiritual world to get access to ‘data’ in its widest sense – images, sounds, taste sensations, smells, and information that are not those of the person. For a detailed description see Data Input and also Database
Direction system [the command control system]
The direction system determines our next activity. All of our activity - walk, run, read, talk, sit, stand, laugh - is directed by this function. The direction system has two sub-functions:
- Reasoning - The reasoning function is a precursor to the actual decision making process. It uses memory to work out what might be a reasonable course of action given the perceptions.
- Will. – the Will makes the final decision on the course of action to take – the next activity. But it does not do so based on reason alone. It uses additional input. For more detail see Will
[The function of] emotion
The function of emotion produces emotions - fear, anger, sadness and happiness for example. There are a lot of functions – kindness, generosity, compassion, anger, jealousy, lust, passion and so on. There is a standard set of functions governing all emotion, common to all humans, we all get the same set of sub-functions - every emotion both positive and negative.
For a detailed description see Emotion
Another word for an emotion is that it is a feeling – a state that arises from the function of emotion. There are a very large number of emotions – rage, anger, fear, joy, love, hate, happiness, sadness, jealousy, envy, disgust, surprise, melancholy, embarrassment, guilt, pride, calm, nervousness and so on.
For a detailed description see Emotions
Functional input
The Composer has access to the wider spiritual world to get access to the functions of the universe. I have provided a number of example observations where this occurs on the web site, particularly those of the savants and autistic. In effect, we become capable of doing things outside the range of normal human capability
For a detailed description see Functional input
Higher spirit
The Higher spirit is the part of us that is directly in touch with the rest of the spirit world and which also survives on death. The composer is a part of the Higher spirit – just one function of many. For a detailed description see Higher spirit
The learning function creates amends and deletes memory. We take the perceptions we have received, and condense them, and extract and classify them into a structure. It is essentially a process of extraction and recognition followed by analysis and then synthesis. If we are good at it, we also go through a process of verification. The verification process may then cause us to go round the cycle again correcting and in effect relearning.
We learn both functions – learnt function - and facts – database of facts.
For a detailed description see Learning
Memory recall or ‘remembering’ produces Memories. Whilst learning creates memory, remembering uses memory, one creates amends and deletes data, and the other extracts data. The extract is called memories.
For a detailed description see Memories
Memory recall
Memory is created by learning, but there is also an extra function – memory recall or ‘remembering’. Whilst learning creates memory, remembering uses memory, one creates amends and deletes data, and the other extracts data.
It is rare to remember anything from perceptions - to relive events as they happened, generally this only happens when we have a spiritual experience, so it is only by having a spiritual experience that we get perfect recall of an event. At all other times we get all our information about past events from memory. It is a key driver to the decision making function.
For a detailed description see Memory recall
Memory is analogously like a big structured database, which we build by learning. Memory provides us with our model of the functions of the universe and a database of systematically classified facts. Database of facts. So we may have, for example, a memory of the times of all the trains from Waterloo [facts], but also have remembered how the train system works [functions]. For a detailed description see Memory
Nervous system
The system that processes the messages transported by the Physical nervous system but which are received as information. In effect the Physical nervous system is the communication network and transporter of messages, the Nervous system is the functional ‘software’ that processes the messages that have been carried on the network. For a detailed description see Nervous system
Objectives [desires or obligations]
An objective is something we want to do [Desire] or something we need to do [Obligation]; it can also be a state we want to reach. Desires are by their nature entirely personal, they are not imposed, they are not learnt, we choose them. Obligations on the other hand are imposed – something we have to do [like our tax returns]. For a detailed description see Objectives
The Perception process produces perceptions - a combined record of everything that has happened to us – not just the input from the senses but all our activity including any emotions. It is a logging activity. For a detailed description see Perception
Perceptions are a sort of log of all our activity. If we relive the log, we re-experience that section of our life exactly as it felt and occurred. For a detailed description see Perceptions
Personality or ‘ego’
The personality ultimately gives us our sense of ‘I-ness’. There are very definite characteristics that make up our personality which are ‘turned on’ for some people and never surface in others. Our personality is the big clue as to what our Destiny is, as our personality is given to us to help fulfil our Destiny. As a human being we get every function that every other human being gets, we are all exactly the same functionally, but every personality is different. For a detailed description see Personality or ego
Sensations are the information equivalent of a physically experienced taste, smell, sound, image, or feeling such as pain, pleasure, bliss or hunger. It is information that can be processed by the mind - the touch of a feather, the smell of a rose, the taste of a fillet steak, the sound of a song thrush.
Spirit Entity
Spirit entity is a generic name that covers all sorts of entities with which one may come into contact in the spiritual world. These include the intelligence, spirit helper or being.
For a detailed description see Spirit entity
Spiritual input
Spiritual input is information that the Composer has constructed for us that will provide us with a spiritual experience. See Types of Spiritual Experience. The spiritual input we receive can be ‘sensory’ or it may be simply non sensory ‘information’ which we subconsciously receive. For a detailed description see Spiritual input
The subconscious is not under our conscious control. All the will and our conscious self can do is to adapt our behaviour to whatever the subconscious does. The subconscious includes our emotions, our 5 senses, our nervous system, the function of perception as well as our autonomic systems. Some cultures even treat this lower world as a separate entity.
For a detailed description see Subconscious