Does heaven exist? With well over 100,000 plus recorded and described spiritual experiences collected over 15 years, to base the answer on, science can now categorically say yes. Furthermore, you can see the evidence for free on the website allaboutheaven.org.

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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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How to get to heaven


You do NOT get a spiritual experience by 'being good' or giving to charity or following the moral guidelines [or rules] invented by religious institutions. 

The following pages explain how spiritual experience - whether positive or negative, voluntary or involuntary actually works.  You will need to be able to reference the Model of spiritual experience whilst you read these pages.  This has a definition of the terms used. We have also provided some extra videos and guidance via the 'commonsteps' section, the links below will take you there.

The Model is a model of our Minds showing the functions that are key to spiritual experience.  It is divided into three – the Subconscious, the Conscious and the Higher spirit :

  • The Higher spirit gives us access to the spiritual world.  The specific function that creates spiritual input – dreams visions etc is called the composer.
    The video that explains all about the Higher spirit can be found HERE.
    The only route to our composer is via the Subconscious – the feminine side.
  • Our Subconscious mind is the mind of emotion and feeling, creativity and imagination, as well as perception.  It is also the processor of sensory information and nervous system messages.  It is the receiver of information from our autonomic systems including the sexual system.  It is often described as the ‘feminine’ in us and loosely speaking is processed by our right brain.
    The video that explains all about the Subconscious can be found HERE.
  • Our Conscious mind is the mind of the intellect – reason, memory, and will.  It is often described as the ‘masculine’ in us and loosely speaking is processed by our left brain.  The only way we can activate the subconscious is to Squash the Intellect - aspects of our Conscious self.
    The video that explains the Conscious mind can be found HERE

All spiritual experience works by squashing the 'masculine' Conscious self and letting the 'feminine' Subconscious self take over.