Does heaven exist? With well over 100,000 plus recorded and described spiritual experiences collected over 15 years, to base the answer on, science can now categorically say yes. Furthermore, you can see the evidence for free on the website allaboutheaven.org.

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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Step 5: The Functions of Mind

Look at the Model

We have already established that in order to stop the Will from working so that the composer can take over, we need to overload or suppress one or a combination of 5 main inputs:

  • Objectives - desires or obligations
  • Reason
  • Memories - from Memory
  • Sensations - via Perceptions
  • Emotions - also via Perceptions

All spiritual experience works by overloading or suppressing the functions that produce these inputs to the Will.  A function is what we were doing at the time, if the experience was involuntary, or what we need to be doing if we deliberately want to have a spiritual experience.  

In effect spiritual experience works by the overload or suppression of one or more of the following functions [blue boxes, follow the arrows backwards]

  • The nervous system
  • The 5 senses system
  • The autonomic system – especially our sexual systems
  • The system of Emotion
  • Reasoning
  • Memory recall
  • Learning - in an indirect temporary way, via Memory
  • Objective setting - a function of the will

And this is how all spiritual experience works, all the activities I have described on the website overload or suppress one or more of these functions on a temporary, semi-permanent or permanent basis.

  • Grief, for example, is an emotion of extremely high intensity [overload] and works all by itself, particularly if it is accompanied by an overload of memories from Memory recall.  People have met spirit helpers whilst grieving
  • Making love done well overwhelms the nervous system [overload], the 5 senses [overload]  and the emotions [overload], but completely stills the functions of reason [suppress] and memory recall [suppress].  People have gone out of body from making love
  • Brain damage can affect the reasoning system and the function of memory recall, or the function of learning on a permanent basis, which is why those with dementia get so many visions and hallucinations

In categorising the activities I have classed them principally on the basis of whether the overall effect of the combination is overload or suppression.  Thus Grief is classified as overload because it works principally through overload of inputs to the will.  Making love is classified as suppression as the overall cumulative result is one of suppression of inputs rather than overload.  As you can see, however, the classification is not always that obvious, so where there is doubt I have used the rule.

Negative effect = Overload = Hurt or Pain 

Positive effect = Suppression = Pleasure    

The classification is fairly loose as, for example an activity like bungee jumping induces fear [pain] relieved by the relief [pleasure] of being safe at the end.  Its principle mechanism of operation is, however, overload.