Does heaven exist? With well over 100,000 plus recorded and described spiritual experiences collected over 15 years, to base the answer on, science can now categorically say yes. Furthermore, you can see the evidence for free on the website allaboutheaven.org.

Available on Amazon
also on all local Amazon sites, just change .com for the local version (.co.uk, .jp, .nl, .de, .fr etc.)


This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

Available on Amazon
also on all local Amazon sites, just change .com for the local version (.co.uk, .jp, .nl, .de, .fr etc.)


Now you know how spiritual experience works, the next and last step is to find out

  • Why you got an experience, which you did not expect, and may not have wanted
  • How to get an experience if you would love to obtain one and see for yourself


1.  Go to Activities

2.  On a piece of paper list

  • all the things you were doing [actions]
  • all the events in your life going on at the time [events]
  • all the drugs and pharmaceuticals you were taking at the time [medicines]
  • all the illnesses and disabilities you may be suffering from [illnesses and disabilities
  • the food and/or drink you had had [food]

3.  Using your list do a search on activities to see if any are there.  If the search comes up with nothing, go through the lists provided on the site and compare.
It may be I have used a different name from the one you have.  For example you may have written 'giving birth to sammy' and I have called it childbirth 
You may need to go through everything in both the suppression and the overload sections if you can't decide whether it was overload or suppression that caused it.   

4.  You have now found your activity or activities.  Now you can get more information.  Each activity has 

  • an explanation as to why people get spiritual experiences - this is to be found under HOW IT WORKS from this you will find out why it happened
  • examples of people who have had experiences just like you and what happened to them.  These are to be found under OBSERVATIONS  This should help to show you, you're not alone

5.  One other option also exists.  You can do a search using the type of experience you had, if you think you can classify it.  To do this

  • go directly to the Observations.
  • click on Types
  • look through and from the description see if any there seem to match what happened to you
  • by clicking on the type you then get a fuller explanation and examples  - observations
  • by browsing through them you may be able to see one that seems to match what happened to you
  • every observation also has a list of the activities that the person was doing at the time, so from this - even if you weren't actually doing the same thing - you may get some ideas on what can provoke experiences of this kind 


If, rather than finding out why something happened to you, you want to actually have a spiritual experience, then you need to put together a set of voluntary activities. 

The first choice you have to make is whether you are going to use overload or suppression as your principle approach [or even a mixture].  Remembering that overload has severe health disadvantages if you overuse the activities, you need to choose which of the two appeal to you.

Go to the Activities

Pick out from the list a portfolio of acitivities you think you might like to use.  To help you decide, all activities

  • describe what the activity means
  • may provide you with a method if a method seems appropriate
  • explain how it works
  • have example observations of what happened when people used the activity.  In the observation descriptions you will be able to see the type of experience obtained, as well as any other activities that were being used at the time. [some famous people have had experiences and if so they are named as the source]

Some of the techniques within the suppression category are for use on an ongoing basis, and all help towards being more open to spiritual input when you need it; but I have also provided some that are for use when spiritual experience of a specific nature is sought – so these are more ‘event’ based.


If you have searched the site in vain trying to find an activity that matched what you were doing at the time; or you think you achieved something special doing something we haven't got on the site, we would love to know.

Please use the contacts form and we will be in touch with you