Observations placeholder
The Secret of the Golden Flower - 06 Authenticating experiences of turning the light around
Type of Spiritual Experience

A description of the experience
Authenticating Experiences of Turning the Light Around
1. There are many authenticating experiences that can-
not be undergone responsibly by people with small
faculties and small capacities. You must will the liber-
ation of all beings; you cannot handle attainment
with a careless or arrogant attitude.
2. When there is uninterrupted continuity in quiet, the
spirit and feelings are joyful and happy, as if one were
intoxicated, or in a bath. This is called positive har-
mony pervading the body, its golden efflorescence
suddenly blooming.
3. Once "myriad pipes are all silent" and "the bright
moon is in mid sky," you feel the whole earth as a
realm of light. This is the opening up of the luminos-
ity that is the substance of mind, the proper release
of the golden flower.
4. Once the whole body is filled completely, you do not
fear wind or frost. When you meet things that make
people feel desolate in facing them, your vital spirit
shines even brighter. The house is built of yellow
gold, the terrace is white jade; the rotten things of
the world you bring to life with a puff of true energy.
Red blood becomes milk, the physical body is all
gold and jewels. This is the great stabilization of the
golden flower.
5. The first stage corresponds to the Visualisation Scrip-
tures technical symbols of the setting sun, the great
body of water, and the trees in rows. The setting of
the sun stands for setting up the foundation in the
undifferentiated; this is the infinite. ',Higher good is
like water," flawlessly pure; this is the ultimate. The
master is the ruler that produces movement, and
since movement is symbolized by wood, it is repre-
sented by trees in rows. The rows are in sevens,
which stand for the light of the seven openings
of the "heart."
6. The second stage begins from the foundation; at this
point the whole earth becomes a jewel ground of ice
crystals; the light gradually solidifies. Therefore a
great terrace follows. As for the Buddha on the ter-
race of enlightenment, once the golden essence has
become manifest, what is it if not Buddha? Buddha is
the "gold immortal" of great awareness. This is just
the authenticating experience of the major stage.
7. There are three authenticating experiences that can
be considered now. One is when you are sitting and
the spirit enters into a state of openness, and then
when you hear people talking it is as though from far
away, but everything is clearly understood even
though all sounds coming in are like echoes in a
valley. All are heard, you have never heard anything
yourself. This is the spirit in a state of openness; it
can be experienced by oneself at any time.
8. Another experience is when in the midst of quiet the
light of the eyes blazes up, filling one's presence with
light. It is like opening the eyes in a cloud. There is
no way to look for one's body. This is "the empty
room producing light.' Inside and outside are per-
meated with light, auspicious signs hover in stillness.
9. Yet another experience is when in the midst of quiet
the energy of the physical body becomes like silk or
jade ; while sitting, if you don't stop it, the energy
will soar buoyantly upward. This is the spirit return-
ing to the highest heaven. Eventually after a long
time, it is thereby possible to ascend.
10. These three experiences can be verified now, but it is
still not possible to explain them thoroughly. People
experience higher things individually, according to
their faculties and capacities. This is like what Stopping and Seeing
calls the emerging manifestations of roots
of good.
The source of the experience
The Secret of the Golden FlowerConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Contemplation and detachmentReducing and controlling emotions
Reducing desires
Reducing opportunities
Reducing threats
Squash the big I am
Suppressing memory
Suppressing obligations
Suppression of learning