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The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 10
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Thomas Cleary – The Taoist Classics
The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 10
So, one is "tigers rollicking," another is "cicada clinging," conscious of breathing externally. A third is "inchworm," a fourth is "deer raising antlers." Fifth is "phoenix spreading wings," conscious of breathing internally; sixth is "monkeys squatting," conscious of breathing externally. Seventh is "toads," eighth is "rabbits bounding." Ninth is "dragonflies," conscious of breathing externally, tenth is "fish feeding." These are called the ten postures.
The ten refinements are energizing, swallowing saliva, controlling the penis, stimulating the clitoris, making sure of proper timing, communing in intercourse, moving gently, awaiting fullness, climaxing together, and physically resting.
The eight ways are high, low, left, right, deep, shallow, fast, and slow.
Once you are ready for the ten refinements and prepared for the ten postures, have intercourse at night, using a variety of the eight ways. Before sweat flows, drive your energy into your genitals, hold your breath and make your pudenda vibrate, clearing the vessels and enhancing the ligaments. Watch for the woman's eight movements, observe where her energy is, and note how she moans and sighs, to decide what to do next.