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Observations placeholder

Monroe, Robert - The place of pure peace



Type of Spiritual Experience


The technology used was hemi-sync

A description of the experience

Journeys out of the body – Robert Monroe

Three times I have "gone" to a place that I cannot find words to describe accurately.  Again, it is this vision,  this interpretation, the temporary visitation to this "place" or state of being that brings the message we have heard so often throughout the history of man'.  I am sure that this may be part of the ultimate heaven as our religions conceive it.  It must also be the nirvana, the Samadhi, the supreme experience related to us by the mystics of the ages.  It is truly a state of being, very likely interpreted by the individual in many different ways.

To me, it was a place or condition of pure peace,  yet exquisite emotion. It was as if you were floating in warm soft clouds where there is no up or down, where nothing exists as a separate piece of matter.  The warmth is not merely around you, it is of you and through you.  Your perception is dazzled and overwhelmed by the Perfect Environment.

The cloud in which you float, is swept by rays of light in shapes and hues that are constantly changing, and each is good as you bathe in them as they pass over you.  Ruby red rays of light, or something beyond what we know as light, because no light ever felt this meaningful.  All the colours of the spectrum come and go constantly, never harshly and each brings a different soothing or restful happiness.  It is as if you are within and a part of the clouds surrounding an eternally glowing sunset, and with every changing pattern of living colour, you also change. You respond and drink into you the eternity of the blues, yellows, greens, and reds, and the complexities of the intermediates. All are familiar to you.  This is where you belong. This is Home.

As you move slowly and effortlessly through the cloud, there is music around you. It is not something of which you become aware. It is there all the time, and you vibrate in harmony with the Music. Again, this is more than the music you knew back there. It is only those harmonies, the delicate and dynamic melodic passages, the  multi-voiced counter-point the poignant overtones - it is only those that have evoked in you the deep, incoherent emotion back there. The mundane is missing. Choirs of human-sounding voices echo in wordless song. Infinite patterns of strings in all shades of subtle harmony interweave in cyclical yet developing themes, and you resonate with them. There is no source from which the Music comes. It is there, all around you, in you, you are a part of it, and it is you.

It is the purity of a truth of which you have had only a glimpse. This is the feast, and the tiny titbits you tasted before, back there, had made you hope for the existence of the Whole. The nameless emotion, longing, nostalgia, sense of destiny that you felt back there when you stared at the cloud-layered sunset in Hawaii, when you stood quietly among the tall, waving trees in the silent forest, when a musical selection,  passage, or song recalled memories of the past or brought forth a longing for which there was no associated memory, when you longed for the place where you belonged, whether city, town, country, nation, or family-these are now fulfilled. You are Home.

You are where you belong. Where you always should have been.

Most important you are not alone. With you, beside you, interlocked in you are others. They do not have names, nor are you aware of them as shapes, but you know them and you are bonded to them with a great single knowledge.  They are exactly like you, they are you, and like you, they are Home.

Each of the three times I went There, I did not return voluntarily. I came back sadly, reluctantly.  Someone helped me return. Each time after I returned, I suffered intense nostalgia and loneliness for days. I felt as if an alien might among strangers in a land where things were not ‘right’ where everything and everyone was so different and so "wrong" when compared with where you belonged.  Acute loneliness, nostalgia, and something akin to homesickness.  So great was it that I have not tried to go there again.


The source of the experience

Monroe, Robert

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Listening to sound and music


Being left handed
