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The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead



Type of Spiritual Experience


Compare this observation with that of Paul Brunton and his rebirth experience - makes for an interesting comparison.

A description of the experience

The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead – translated by R O Faulkner

Spell 77 – spell for being transformed into a falcon of gold

I have appeared as a great falcon, having come forth from the Egg; I have flown up and alighted as a falcon of four cubits along its back, whose wings are of green stone of Upper Egypt; I have gone up from the coffer into the Night-bark, I have brought my heart from the eastern mountains, I have alighted in the Day-bark, there are brought to me those of ancient times bowing down, and they give me worship when I appear, having been reassembled as a fair falcon of gold upon the pointed stone.  Re comes in daily to give judgement, and I sit among those elder gods of the Lower sky; He of the Field of Offerings bows to me in the Presence, and I eat of him and have power over him, I have abundance to my desire.  The grain god has given me smoked barley, and I have power over what appertains to my head.

The source of the experience

Egyptian Book of the Dead

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Activity not known

