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Saadi - A Drop of Rain was falling from forth a summer cloud
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
From With Sa'di in the Garden [translated by Sir Edwin Arnold]
A Drop of Rain was falling from forth a summer cloud
It saw the ocean under it roll billows large and loud;
And, all ashamed and sore dismayed, it whispered 'Woe is me!
By Allah! I am nought! What counts one Rain drop to the Sea'
But while it mocked and mourned itself – for littleness forlorn -
Into a sea-shell's opened lips the Drop of Rain was borne,
There many a day and night it lay, until at last it grew
A lovely Pearl of lucent ray, faultless in form and hue
The source of the experience
SaadiConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Reducing desiresReducing opportunities
Reducing threats
Squash the big I am
Suppressing obligations