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Observations placeholder

Rumi - The Book of Love - The way the soul is with the senses



Type of Spiritual Experience


I don’t know whether the translator of this text took liberties in the translation or whether this is pure coincidence but the term lucid dreaming is used – a term thought to be unknown in Rumi’s day, though the technique was well known

A description of the experience

Rumi – from The Book of Love

The way the soul is with the senses and the intellect is like a creek
When desire weeds grow thick, intelligence can’t flow, and soul creatures may stay hidden
But sometimes the reasonable clarity runs so strong it sweeps the clogged stream open
No longer weeping and frustrated, your being grows as powerful as your wantings were before, more so
Laughing and satisfied, the masterful flow lets creatures of the soul appear
You look down and it is lucid dreaming
The gates made of light swing open
You see in

The source of the experience

Rumi, Jalaladdin

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

