Sodium imbalance
Category: Illness or disabilities
Introduction and description
Sodium is an absolutely essential mineral. It is the means by which we operate as a human being. Although most medical descriptions tend to concentrate on sodium overload - too much salt in our diet - the problems are in reality caused by sodium imbalance, and this is more correctly what is happening if we are ill, deficiency and overdose are always linked.
In medicine, Hyponatremia is the presence of low serum sodium levels in the blood. Hypernatremia is an elevated sodium level in the blood.
All our cells function like small batteries and much of the electrical signalling that takes place along nerves and in cells is achieved via chemical manipulation of charge-carrying ions - sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), and calcium (Ca2+). All these are essential to the workings of the Physical nervous system. As a consequence sodium deficiency or overdose - imbalance - can cause a host of muscle and nerve related illnesses.
You can get twitching, heart arrhythmias, and muscle spasms – and other 'abnormal nerve excitation'.
A whole host of other nervous system problems – headaches, menstrual pains, fibromyalgia – in effect any illness where the nervous system has gone into imbalance can be caused by an excess or imbalance of sodium and the other minerals involved in the nervous system - potassium, calcium and chloride.
At its worst sodium imbalance can lead to Convulsions, Arrhythmias, Tetany and numbness/parasthesias in hands, feet, and around the mouth and lips. Some examples include:
- Mental problems – the brain is part of the nervous system and sodium imbalance can cause all sorts of psychiatric disorders and cognitive dysfunctions -
- depression [30-40%],
- anxiety,
- ADHD - Some ADHD cases are caused by sodium imbalance.
Insomnia – sodium imbalance can result in insomnia
Epilepsy – sodium imbalance is implicated in some epileptic seizures
- Muscle problems – Sodium is key to the functioning of muscles and imbalance can result in cramp or flaccidity.
- Organ problems - the heart is a muscle and there are muscles working the lungs, the kidneys and the liver. The intestines work via muscles. Bronchospasm and coughing are symptoms of sodium imbalance. Pain is a symptom of sodium imbalance. There is likely to be pain of both bones [joints] and muscles. Sodium imbalance can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, low tone and sluggish reflexes in muscle groups. Sodium imbalance is associated with cardiac arrhythmias
- Blood circulation problems - Imbalance in sodium can cause problems with blood circulation - 'thick' and 'thin' blood!
All the following can contribute to sodium imbalance:
- Frenetic exercise - Exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH) is common at marathons and other endurance events. It can also occur at raves. 13% of the athletes who finished the 2002 Boston Marathon were in a hyponatremic state, i.e. their salt levels in their blood had fallen below an acceptable level.
- Dehydration - not having enough fluid and not drinking enough in relation to salt and other sodium related intake. Thus there is no absolute figure - anyone who tells you you need to drink eight pints of water a day is plain daft - you need to balance fluid intake with sodium intake
- Kidney disease - the kidneys are the principal organ in regulating sodium supply and demand, as such any form of kidney damage will disrupt the balance
- Drinking too much - and more particularly drinking too much in one go. Ten pints of beer in one night, or several bottles of coke at a rave, or numerous bottles of water just after a marathon. This is technically 'overhydration' from drinking too much water, with the medical name polydipsia
- Diarrhoea – causing loss of sodium
- Nausea and vomiting - ditto
- Nutritional deprivation – caused by deliberate starvation [bulimia, anorexia etc], starvation or other poor dietary practises. Note that this category can also include overload.
Many western and progressively more eastern diets contain an overload of sodium [see also Metabolic process].
- Heavy metals – particularly exposure to mercury, lead etc Aluminium can also cause problems, which can leach minerals away and cause general imbalance
- Mineral supplements – people who take mineral supplements often overdose and this leads to imbalance in general
- Toxins – Many toxins cause imbalance.
- Extreme emotion - Stress, fear, panic attacks and other events can result in ' incorrect breathing' or hyperventilation – which in its turn causes alkalosis. The knock on effect of this is imbalance in general of minerals
- Pharmaceuticals – cause a considerable amount of imbalance both deficiencies and excess. The eHealthme site has not listed the symptoms of hypernatremia or hyponatremia as yet, so I am unable to link you to an actual list of pharaceuticals, however, by type, according to the papers on PubMed, the following are examples of types of pharmacutical:
- Lithium,
- Diuretics such as Thiazide
- Calcium channel blockers
- Alcoholism treatments
- Antacids and heartburn treatments,
- Some anti-arrhythmia drugs
- Laxatives - prolonged use of medications/laxatives containing magnesium
- Chelation Therapy - for metal exposure, particularly EDTA
- Osteoporosis drugs - such as Bisphosphonates and Denosumab.
and so on, the list here is much longer than I have provided as there are too many to list. The drugs may affect other minerals and the imbalance in these then cause an imbalance in sodium.
How it works
Physically - this activity works via the diseases it results in
Logically - this activity works because mineral deprivation or overload is a threat. You need to have the Model of the Mind open and have read How spiritual experence works.
If we look at this from a logical point of view, what we see is that the Will is being assaulted by a Threat.
The 5 senses along possibly with the nervous system are telling it that it is in danger, that the threat is both real and serious. Thus the Will is being told DO SOMETHING.
But what if it can do nothing? It has searched the Memory for a learnt function to deal with it and finds nothing and the Threat is there now, it has no time to learn. If you do nothing about the imbalance and it gets worse, the messages get louder and louder – THREAT ,THREAT ,THREAT – we are sick captain we don’t want to die, your little cells and organs want to live.
There is little input from the Reasoning function – after all what can it do? And the intensity of the messages being sent it from Perceptions tends to overwhelm the reasoning function anyway – DO SOMETHING, DO SOMETHING!!! The Will may first tell the Autonomic system [via Endorphins] that it can do nothing and to cease complaining, but there comes a point where the Will gives up, exhausted, and lets the Composer take over. The ego has been squashed.
And we get our spiritual experience.
It is unlikely to be a pleasant one, the composer is most likely to try to send us a message that we should act to do something.
Related observations
Healing observations
- Avocado benefits 005905
- Dairy products vitamins and mineral 005906
- Selenium and toxin [acrylamide] induced eye damage 013094
- Addison's disease and TB 007003
- Addison's disease hallucinations 007001
- Clinical review: Major consequences of illicit drug consumption 006854
- Delirium in hospital 006436
- Elderly mania 005570
- Gaviscon 005543
- Hallucinations and Lyme disease 006851
- Hallucinations from enlarged hilar lymph nodes and a tumour 016649
- Hallucinations from lung cancer 006852
- Hallucinations from sodium imbalance 006846
- Hallucinations from SSRIs 006853
- Hallucinations in hospital patients 006850
- Promethazine delirium 006862
- Psychoses caused by mineral imbalance and pharmaceuticals 006855
- PubMed Paper on dehydration 000536
- Samsca 020017
- Sodium imbalance and hallucinations 006856
- Sodium imbalance in athletes 006848
- The Water intoxicated patient 006890
- Triathlete hallucinates 001354
- Vincristine hallucinations 006929
- Water intoxication and schizophrenia 006888
Out of time
In time
- Delirium in hospital 006436
- Muldoon, Sylvan - Deliberate Dehydration 000535
- Psychoses caused by mineral imbalance and pharmaceuticals 006855