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Observations placeholder

The Secret of the Golden Flower - 10 The light of essence and the light of consciousness



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The Light of Esence and the Light of Consciousness

1. The method of turning the light around basically is
to be carried on whether walking, sanding, sitting,
or reclining. It is only essential that you yourself find
the opening of potential.

2.  Previously I quoted the saying, "Light arises in the
empty room." This light is not luminous, but there is
an explanation of this as an evidence of efficacy in the
beginning before one has seen the light. If you see it
as light and fix your attention on it, then you fall
into ideational consciousness, which is not the light
of essence.

3.  Now when the mind forms a thought, this thought
is the present mind. This mind is light; it is medicine.
Whenever people look at things, when they perceive
them spontaneously all at once without discriminat-
ing, this is the light of essence. It is like a mirror re-
flecting without intending to do so. In a moment it
becomes the light of consciousness, through discrim-
ination. When there is an image in a mirror, there is
no more mirroring; when there is consciousness in
the light, then what light is there any more?

The source of the experience

The Secret of the Golden Flower

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

