Observations placeholder
Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The Second Discourse 02
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The story of Nushirvan and his visier
963. Whilst hunting, the horse of Nushirvan carried Him far away from the royal retinue.
964. The only companion of the king was his minister; the king and the minister were alone together.
965. In that hunting ground the king saw a village, ruined like the heart of an enemy.
966. Two birds were sitting close together; their discussion was closer than the heart of the king.
967. He said to the minister: "What is their argument? What is the meaning of their cries to one another? "
968. The minister said: "Oh, the king of the world, I will explain it, if the king would take a lesson.
969. "These two voices are not mere singing; they are the proclamation of a marriage ceremony.
970. "This bird has given a daughter in marriage to that other bird and demands from him that the price of mother's milk be settled in the morning,
971. "Saying: 'Leave this ruined village to us together with a few more like it.'
(81) 972. "The other one answers, saying: ‘ Do not worry .about this. See the tyranny of the -king and do not grieve.
973. " ' If we have this same king and this destiny, in a short time I will give thee a hundred thousand ruined villages like this.' "
974. These words had such an effect on the king, that he heaved a sigh and began to lament.
975. He tore his hair and wept grievously. What can be the result of injustice but tears?
976. He gnawed his finger at this oppression. He said: " Look at the oppression which is known even to the birds.
977 See my tyranny which leaves owls for the farmers instead of hens.
978. " Oh, how negligent and worldly I have been! For this tyranny I shall have to suffer much regret.
979. "How long shall I take the property of the people by force? I am unmindful of death and the grave of to-morrow.
980. "How long shall I usurp? See how I am playing with my life.
981. "God gave me the empire, that I may not do that which is unworthy.
982. "My base metal is covered with gold; yet I do what is prohibited.
983. "Why should I spoil my good name by oppression? I oppress others, alas! I oppress myself .
984. "May there be a truer justice in my heart. Let me be ashamed either before God or before myself.
985. "To-day I am the embodiment of oppression. Alas for the exposure of my to-morrow!
986. "My unproductive body is fuel. For this grief my heart burns for my heart.
987. "How long shall I raise the dust of injustice spill my own glory and the blood of others?
(82) 988. "On the day of resurrection, they will call me in question for this spoilation.
989. "I am shameless, if I am not humbled now. My heart is of stone, if I do not grieve now.
990. "See how long I will suffer reproach, that I may bear this shame till the day of resurrection.
991. "That which bears me is, in truth, my burden. That which is my remedy is, indeed, my poison.
992. "Of these countless levels and treasures, what did Sam take, and what did Feridun carry away?
993. "And of this power and empire which is mine, what in the end shall I possess? "
994. The king became so heated over this matter, that the shoe of his horse melted from his haste.
995. When he reached his camp and royal standard, the hope of kindness spread over the country.
996. Immediately, he remitted the taxes on the overtaxed land. He abolished bad customs and the ways of injustice.
997. He spread justice and destroyed tyranny, and to his last breath he remained faithful to this.
998. He has gone, and after many turns of the wheel of fortune, the fame of his justice remains.
999. In the empire of the spiritually-minded, the die of his name bore the impress of justice.
1000. He found a fortunate ending. He who knocked at the door of justice found this name.
1001. Pass thy life in making hearts happy, that God May be pleased with thee.
The source of the experience
NizamiConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Admitting guiltAdmitting mistakes
Asking for forgiveness
Campaign against the misuse of power
Restraining your use of power