Observations placeholder
Mineral deficiency causes mental illness after extensive small bowel resection
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Gastroenterol Jpn. 1985 Oct;20(5):465-9. A case of short bowel syndrome in which remarkable amelioration of mental deterioration was achieved by administration of trace elements. Someya N, Yoshida T, Haraguchi Y, Tanaka K.
A patient with short bowel syndrome manifesting psychiatric deterioration was demonstrated.
Four years after extensive small bowel resection the patient developed various psychological manifestations. Laboratory data did not indicate the specific causes but showed extensive hyponutritional state.
After 2 weeks therapy by total parenteral nutrition (TPN), laboratory data returned to normal, but her psychiatric condition remained almost unchanged.
When trace elements (copper, cobalt, manganese and zinc) were added to TPN, her psychiatric impairment rapidly improved. Although the mechanism involved in this situation may be multifactorial, the trace elements were primarily responsible for recovering from abnormal psychiatric condition.
PMID: 3935510
The source of the experience
PubMedConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
AnorexiaCobalt imbalance
Copper imbalance
Manganese imbalance
Mineral imbalance
Nutritional deprivation
Zinc imbalance