Observations placeholder
Gardner, Ingrid - On hell
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
I have been thinking about the demons in hell - the functions in Hell. On your site you mention that the systems of the universe have been created by Intelligences and then get implemented in us and other animals and things, but I think the systems of Hell are different. They are not implemented.
I think the functions in Hell were entirely created by humans.
We are co-creators as such we can create new temporary local processes and memories. Those human local processes constitute the foundation of hell.
In effect, we have created hell. It probably didn't exist before human beings.
The systems of hell are invented software, we have created these programs and still continue to create them. Every day of every year new forms of torture, new forms of murder, new forms of theft, fraud, deception, treachery, and so on are invented by us. Animals don't know treachery [unless we teach them], these systems are man made and only apply to us. As such they are not implemented, we learn them or invent them by copying others or using a little of our 'creative ability', we have all heard of creative accounting – well perhaps this is where it lives!!
One of the proofs of this is that no system of hell has a contrasting opposite. All the other systems we can identify have a mirror image – thus beauty and 'ugliness', kindness and unkindness, gratitude and ingratitude, selfishness and unselfishness, black/white, hot/cold, mean/generous and so on. The world has been created on the basis of contrast.
But Hell systems contrast with nothing. They are all variations of 'hate' which is the contrasting function of love, but beyond that there is no opposite of murder, torture, theft, fraud, deception and so on, except 'no fraud', 'no murder', 'no torture' – which is a little meaningless.
No, Hell exists in us. The masculine principle with its over developed ego and clever clever Intellect but not wise Intellect has done this. Frightening.
The source of the experience
Gardner, IngridConcepts, symbols and science items
HellScience Items
Activities and commonsteps
Being blood group A or BBeing left handed
Being rhesus negative [blood group]