Observations placeholder
Coleridge, David Hartley - The insect birds that suck nectareous juice
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Bricks without Mortar – The Selected Poems of Hartley Coleridge
The insect birds that suck nectareous juice
From straightest tubes of curly petalled flowers
Or catch the honey-dew that falls profuse
Through the soft air, distil’d in viewless showers
Whose colours seem the very souls of gems
Or parting rays of fading diadems
I have but seen their feathers – that is all
As much as we can know of poets dead
Or living; but the gilded plumes that fall
Float on the earth, or in the wind dispread
Go everywhere to beautify the breeze
Sweet wind, surcharged with treasures such as these
The source of the experience
Coleridge, David HartleyConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Home schoolingInherited genes
Love with visualisation
Reducing desires
Reducing threats