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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Bruno, Giordano – A general account of bonding - On lightning, thunderbolts and pubic hair



Type of Spiritual Experience



There is a passage in a work by George Abbot that indicates that Bruno was quite probably a muff diver : "When that Italian Didapper, who intituled himselfe Philotheus Iordanus Brunus Nolanus, magis elaborata Theologia Doctor, &c with a name longer than his body...".

The word "didapper" used by Abbot is a derisive term which in period meant "a small diving waterfowl".

A description of the experience

On Magic – Giordano Bruno

Furthermore, one must not only examine the character and arrangement of the parts, but also the condition of the whole structure, for certain passions are naturally adapted to be received by one subject rather than by another. For example, a torpedo fish causes a shock to the hand of the fisherman, but not to the net.

And, as the old joke says, the fires of love burn the heart and the breast, but leave the chest cold and uncooked.

The same thing happens with thunderbolts, which have at times liquified a steel sword without damaging its scabbard. An astonishing event also happened in Naples to a very beautiful and noble young girl whose pubic hair was burned, but nothing else.

They also say that when the wood of a barrel was burned away, the wine remained firm and solid without it. Many such things have happened because of this ultimate occult power which resides in the atoms of this kind of fire and which acts in one place but not in another.

The laurel and the eagle are used as insignia by generals and poets because they are never touched by lightning, and so like them, generals and poets are friends of Apollo and Jupiter.

What happened to that young girl does not happen to just any human being. The reason for this is that not all people have the same physical constitution and temperament and the same quality of spirit, and, as a result, not all have a soul that can stop the rains and command the winds and the storms.

The source of the experience

Bruno, Giordano

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

