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Observations placeholder

Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - The Torah



Type of Spiritual Experience


written Torah = the Word as used in creation [and destruction - the divine plan]

A description of the experience

Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism

…strictly speaking, there is no written Torah here on earth. A far reaching idea!  What we call the written Torah has itself passed through the medium of the oral Torah, it is no longer a form concealed in white light; rather, it has emerged from the black light, which determines and limits and so denotes the attribute of divine severity and judgment.

Everything that we perceive in the fixed forms of the Torah, written in ink on parchment, consists, in the last analysis, of interpretations or definitions of what is hidden. There is only an oral Torah: that is the esoteric meaning of these words, and the written Torah is a purely mystical concept. It is embodied in a sphere that is accessible to prophets alone.

It was, to be sure, revealed to Moses, but what he gave to the world as the written Torah has acquired its present form by passing through the medium of the oral Torah. The mystical white of the letters on the parchment is the written Torah, but not the black of the letters inscribed in ink.

In the mystical organism of the Torah the two spheres overlap, and there is no written Torah, free from the oral element, that can be known or conceived of by creatures who are not prophets.

The source of the experience

Judaism and Kabbalah

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


