Observations placeholder
Tranströmer, Tomas - Open and Closed Space
Type of Spiritual Experience

A description of the experience
Open and Closed Space [translated by Robert Bly]
With his work, as with a glove, a man feels the universe.
At noon he rests a while, and lays the gloves aside on a shelf.
There they suddenly start growing, grow huge
and make the whole house dark from inside.
The darkened house is out in the April winds.
'Amnesty," the grass whispers, "amnesty."
A boy runs along with an invisible string that goes right up into
the sky.
There his wild dream of the future flies like a kite, bigger than
his town.
Farther to the north, you see from a hill the blue matting of fir trees
on which the shadows of the clouds
do not move.
No, they are moving.
The source of the experience
Tranströmer, TomasConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Being left handedBelieving in the spiritual world
Reducing desires
Squash the big I am