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Observations placeholder

Traherne, Thomas - Rise Noble Soul - Rise noble soul and come away



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Thomas Traherne – Rise Noble Soul

Rise noble soul and come away
Let us no longer waste the day
Come let us haste to yonder hill
Where pleasures fresh are growing still
The way at first is rough and steep
And something hard for us to ascend
But on the top do pleasures keep
And ease and joys do still attend

Come let us go and do not fear
The hardest way, while I am near
My heart with thine shall mingled be
Thy sorrows mine, my joys with thee
And all our labours as we go
True love shall sweeten still
And strew our way with flowers too
Whilst we ascend the hill

The hill of rest, where angels live
Where Bliss her palace hath to give
Where thousands shall thee welcome make
And joy that thou their joys dost take
O come, let's haste to this sweet place
I pray thee quickly heal thy mind
Sweet, let us go with joyful pace
And leave the baser world behind

The source of the experience

Traherne, Thomas

Concepts, symbols and science items


Spiritual path

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

