Observations placeholder
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de - Le Petit Prince
Type of Spiritual Experience
Written after his experiences in the desert, but a direct consequence of having his door 'opened'
A description of the experience
The Little Prince – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
‘It was wrong of you to come. You will suffer. I shall look as if I were dead; and that will not be true…..’
I said nothing
‘You understand … it is too far. I cannot carry this body with me. It is too heavy’
I said nothing.
But it will be like an old abandoned shell. There is nothing sad about old shells…’
I said nothing.
He was a little discouraged. But he made one more effort
‘You know, it will be very nice. I too, shall look at the stars. All the stars will be wells with a rusty pulley. All the stars will pour out fresh water for me to drink…’
I said nothing.
‘That will be so amusing! You will have five hundred million little bells and I shall have five hundred million springs of fresh water’….
The source of the experience
Saint-Exupery, Antoine deConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Being in extremely inhospitable surroundingsDehydration