Observations placeholder
Gardner, Ingrid - Shabby garden
Type of Spiritual Experience
Ingrid said this happened after a very gruelling long haul flight back from America in which she had hardly slept, along with a full week of business meetings whilst there, in which she had to be constantly on her toes. She was thus physically and mentally exhausted
A description of the experience
I was taken to a small walled garden in the air. It had trees in it, a sort of orchard, but it all looked so run down and rather shabby. I had read so much about symbolic gardens and how they were associated with paradise that as we came closer I was certain I was going to get a glimpse of what paradise was like, but this wasn't paradise at all. It seemed disorganised and with lots of weeds and badly organised.
It hadn't been properly looked after for years and it had a rather sad isolated feel about it.
I was a bit upset really, we wandered round it, the wall with its broken bricks, the long thistles, the discarded tools, the yellowing grass, all so sad. It looked like it might have been really nice at one stage, there were little pockets that were quite bright and cheerful with flowers as though someone was still tending bits of it. And it wasn't beyond repair, you could see that with a hell of a lot of work, you could have made it really nice, the layout was beautiful, with wide paths [weed covered now, but once gravel], winding around what must have been lovely herbacious borders and a fountain [not working].
I got the impression it was someone's garden, not a general garden, but whose it was I don't know and my guide gave the normal response 'for you to learn'. The normal clue but no answers. Maddening really because this is going to take me forever to work out. I 'thought' to my spirit helper that 'it needs a lot of work whoever it belongs to'. And what is truly weird is I think the spirit laughed and just thought back 'yes'.
The source of the experience
Gardner, IngridConcepts, symbols and science items
Spirit helperSymbols
GardenScience Items
Activities and commonsteps
Sleep deprivation, insomnia and mental exhaustionSuppressions
Being blood group A or BBeing left handed
Being rhesus negative [blood group]