Observations placeholder
Dixon, Jeane - Reads Sister Mary Mercy's mind
Type of Spiritual Experience
Not prophecy, perception reading
A description of the experience
Ruth Montgomery – A Gift of Prophecy
One day in the fall of 1956, Sister Mary Mercy and two other friends lunched with Jeane, and as the women rose to leave, the nun motioned Jeane aside and said that she would like to ask her advice about something.
"I know," Jeane calmly replied, “you don't need to tell me. You want to know whether you should leave the convent." Sister Mary Mercy was astonished. To no one had she yet confided that after nearly thirty-two years she felt called to leave the convent and care for her widowed mother
Jeane had correctly read her thoughts.
With a papal dispensation Sister Mary Mercy renounced her vows the following year and resumed her name of Mary McCarran.
The source of the experience
Dixon, JeaneConcepts, symbols and science items
Communication with bodied soulsSymbols
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Believing in the spiritual worldDietary moderation
Enacting ritual and ceremony
Inherited genes
Squash the big I am