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Green, Celia - The Recurrent nightmare
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Lucid dreams – Celia Green
From early childhood until about 45 I had recurring dreams and in my sleep I used to find myself saying ‘of course I know this one, I’ve had it many times before’ and if it was a nice one I would let it run on, and if nasty I could switch it off and wake up.
Those dreams in which I am aware that I am dreaming are of two kinds. Both are of an unpleasant nature.
The first type is a recurrent nightmare, now not so common as it was when I was about 12, when it was very frequent. In this nightmare I am searching for something incredibly small that it is vital that I find before someone else, who, though never named, is in some way evil. Having now had this dream some dozen times, even in my dreaming I realise both that I am dreaming and that I have dreamt it before.
Nevertheless, I am unable either to influence the dream or to wake myself out of it.............
........... When I was younger, I suffered from a recurring nightmare, of being in a small field or garden, with a few buildings on it , surrounded by a post and rail fence. It was like an island, in a sea of enormous boulders like mountains, which crashed and ground together, tho’ silently, all round it, and threatened to grind it up entirely, tho’ they never did.
Sometimes I was on the island, sometimes above it and the ‘sea’, but looking down on it, and sometimes on myself still there. I always knew I was dreaming this, and when I was about to. I knew that if I could just wake up before it started, I would be safe; sometimes I could and sometimes I couldn’t, but if I once opened my eyes, it was alright.