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Observations placeholder

Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 17 Mrs. H.-L. B and her dog see the ghost of the boy who had died from TB



Type of Spiritual Experience

Inter composer communication

Number of hallucinations: 2


The communication might have been from the mother at the death bed rather than the boy himself

NOTES by Professor Ernesto Bozzano

In this fact again, the first percipient was the dog.

It should be noted that the ghost of the deceased appeared one hour after his death, with the same angelic smile that appeared on the corpse one hour after the death. In addition, the ghost manifestation was preceded by the auditory phenomenon of heavy steps coming from the office, as well as the physical manifestation of the freezing wind blowing, as perceived during the experimental séances, at the time of the mediumistic materializations.

A description of the experience

Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals - 130 cases proving animal mediumistic abilities

Case 33.  - (Collective visual-auditory, with the anteriority of the animal over human, and "impression" of a cold wind blow by the recipient.) - The case was collected and examined by Professor James Hyslop, who published it in the Journal of the American S.P.R. (1907, p. 432), without giving the names of the participants, as a result of the request made by the lady who is the author of the story. This is what she tells us:

Two years ago, my cousin William P., 21, died of tuberculosis. From the early years of childhood, the deepest affection had existed between us. The fact that we were both passionate about music made us even more connected, although he lived in Tottenville, New York, and I lived in X., that is, at distance of 200 miles.

In March 1901, he became ill... and died on March 29, 1902...

That evening, I was in my room reading the Bible. I was alone with my four-year-old child asleep in his crib and with my favorite little dog. The room overlooked the work cabinet whose door was closed only by a blue double door. I read carefully and without being disturbed for some time.

At one point I heard heavy steps in the office. A moment later, a gust of freezing wind opened the doors by brushing my face. The dog lifted his head, looked in this direction and ran moaning, squatting under a chair. In turn, I looked and saw, between the doors, the ghost of my cousin, high and straight, as he was before his illness, his arms outstretched, an angelic smile on his lips. I stopped looking at him, as if petrified, for a few minutes and saw him disappear. The clock marked 9 o'clock. At the same time, I heard the doorbell ring at the door. It was a telegram announcing:

"William died at eight o'clock. Come right away."

My mother told me that the face of my barely deceased cousin had expressed great suffering, but that after about an hour it had undergone a strange change, lighting up with an angelic smile, which he was still keeping when we placed him in the coffin. Smile with which he appeared to me between the curtains of the office door.

If this report were to be published, please delete the names, because my entourage attributes my vision to nervous overexcitement..."

(Signed in full. Mrs. H.-L. B.)

Professor Hyslop wrote to Mrs. H.-L. B.'s husband, who is a doctor; he replied by confirming the facts in this way:

... In response to the questions you submitted to me in your letter on May 22nd, I declare that the two remarkable experiences reported by my wife went perfectly as she reports... The second fact and connection with the death of one of our cousins is no less present in my memory than the first. It happened before the dispatch announcing the death arrived. My wife immediately told her maid, who is currently in Philadelphia, and Mr. J. H. S. residing here. I don't know how to explain the facts in theory.

(Signed in full: Dr. M.-L. B.)



The source of the experience

Bozzano, Professor Ernesto

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being an animal
