Observations placeholder
Cancer and potato defoliation
Type of Spiritual Experience
slightly shortened to emphasise their findings
If you avoid these 'non organic' potatoes then you have effectively performed a preventative action - which is 'healing'
A description of the experience
Pesticides and mortality from hormone-dependent cancers. Janssens JP, Van Hecke E, Geys H, Bruckers L, Renard D, Molenberghs G. European Cancer Prevention Organization, Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Belgium. PMID: 11711761
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are considered to be a possible cause of hormone-dependent cancers. In areas of high exposure to pesticides, people are concerned about the long lasting toxicity of pesticides, some of which are possibly hormonally active. …..Apart from use of defoliants and potato cultivation, however, no consistent correlation was detected between crops, pesticides and mortality from breast and prostate cancer. …... the increased mortality due to breast cancer and to a lesser extent due to prostate cancer in traditional potato-growing areas needs attention and more research.
The source of the experience
PubMedConcepts, symbols and science items
Activities and commonsteps
Benign prostatic hyperplasiaBreast cancer
Prostate cancer
Reproductive system disease