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Observations placeholder

Poetic Edda - Sayings of the High One [extract]



Type of Spiritual Experience


Exactly these same actions are found in the Bible and in William Seabrook's book about Haiti and voudou, the revived corpses are the well known 'zhombies'


A description of the experience

The Poetic Edda - from Sayings of the High One

I know those spells, which a ruler's wife doesn't know,
nor any man's son;
'help' one is called
and that will help you
against accusations and sorrows
and every sort of anxiety

I know a second one which the sons of men need
those who want to live as physicians

I know a third one which  is very useful to me,
which fetters my enemy;
the edges of my foes I can blunt,
neither weapon nor club will bite for them

 I know a fourth one if men put
chains upon my limbs;
I can chant so that I can walk away,
fetters spring from my feet
and bonds from my hands

I know a fifth if I see, shot in malice
a dart flying amid the army;
it cannot fly so fast that I cannot stop it
if I see it with my eyes


I know a ninth one if I am in need
if I must protect my ship at sea;
the wind I can lull upon the wave
and quieten all the sea to sleep

I know a tenth one if I see witches
playing up in the air;
I can bring it about that they can't make their way back
to their shapes,
to their own spirits


I know a twelth one if I see, up in a tree,
a dangling corpse in a noose
I can so carve and colour the runes
that the man walks
and talks with me

I know a thirteenth if I shall pour water
over a young warrior
he will not fall though he goes into battle
before swords he will not sink


I know a sixteenth if I want to have all
a clever woman's heart and love-play
I can turn the thoughts of the white armed woman
and change her mind entirely

The source of the experience

Poetic Edda, the

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Singing spells

