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Common eastern fleabane

Category: Medicines - plant based



Introduction and description


Erigeron strigosus is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name Common eastern fleabane.

Erigeron strigosus is native to eastern and central North America as far west as Manitoba, Idaho and Texas. It has also become naturalized in western North America as well as in Europe and China as a somewhat weedy naturalized species.

Erigeron strigosus is an annual or biennial herb reaching heights of up to 80 centimeters (32 inches). It has hairy, petioled, oval-shaped leaves a few centimeters long mostly on the lower part of the plant. One plant can produce as many as 200 flower heads in a spindly array of branching stems. Each head is less than a centimeter (0.4 inches) wide, containing 50–100 white, pink, or blue ray florets surrounding numerous yellow disc florets


Related observations