Observations placeholder
Trine, R W - In tune with the Infinite - Healing energy
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Chapter 4 - Fullness Of Life - Bodily Health And Vigor
If we are partakers of this life and have the power of opening ourselves fully to its divine inflow, it means more, so far to its divine inflow, it means more, so far as even the physical life is concerned, than we may at first think. For very clearly, the life of this Infinite Spirit, from its very nature, can admit of no disease, and if this is true, no disease can exist in the body where it freely enters, through which it freely flows.
Let us recognize at the outset that, so far as the physical life is concerned, all life is from within outwards. There is an immutable law which says: 'As within, so without, cause, effect.' In other words, the thought forces, the various mental states and the emotions, all have in time their effects upon the physical body.