Observations placeholder
Ten year old boy hallucinations
Type of Spiritual Experience
Note that in the next quote from PubMed, the original article was in German and has been translated by someone, hence the awkward English, but the implications are clear
A description of the experience
Migrainous complex hallucinations in 10-year old patient--a case report and review - Romanos M; Klinik und Poliklinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
Considering a prevalence of three to ten percent migraine in children is not a rare disease.
Visual auras as a characteristic of classical migraine are often described in literature. However, most of these are primary hallucinations, whilst descriptions of complex hallucinations are barely to find. As far as we know this work describes the youngest age, at which complex hallucinations occurred in migraine attacks.
We introduce a case-report of a 10-year old-patient who reports a complex visual hallucination during a migraine attack. Symptoms, history and diagnostic measures are described. In differential diagnosis to a migrainous aura the "Alice-in-Wonderland-syndrome", "Lilliputian hallucinations", the basilar migraine and epilepsy are discussed.
For complex hallucinations an analogical pathomechanism to primary hallucinations in migraine can be assumed. The great variety of the migrainous aura is pointed out