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Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Tree of life
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin – Phenomenon of Man
Nothing is so delicate and fugitive by its very nature as a beginning. As long as a zoological group is young, its character remains indeterminant, its structure precarious and its dimensions scant. It is composed of relatively few individual units and these change rapidly. In space as in duration , the peduncle or 'bud' of a living branch corresponds to a minimum of differentiation, expansion and resistance. What then will be the effect of time on this area of weakness? Inevitably to destroy all vestiges of it.
With that understood, there is nothing surprising in our finding, when we look back, that everything seems to have burst into the world ready made … [as though it were] a discontinuous succession of levels and stabilities
The source of the experience
Teilhard de Chardin, PierreConcepts, symbols and science items
Intelligence hierarchySymbols
Tree of lifeScience Items
Activities and commonsteps
Being constantly criticisedPsychological trauma
Beauty, art and musicBelieving in the spiritual world
Inherited genes
Reducing desires
Squash the big I am