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Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - Healing, bliss and peace
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Karezza – Ethics of Marriage 1903 second edition – Dr Alice B Stockham
In no way does man’s dominion yield him a richer return than in control, mastery and consecration of sex energy. It is a means to achievement in any definite direction. The marvel is that as consciousness of internal strength and power develops, the physical sign disappears. The peace that follows is the peace of power.
This conservation of power is both possible and effective for the unmarried.
Through love, training and self-control, however, the married may not only attain the same conservation and appropriation but also, by the union of the spiritual forces of their two souls, greatly augment them.
Love is the fulfilment of the law. Sexual love is its highest expression on the earth plane, and sexual union is symbolical of this love. It stands as evidence of creative energy in action.
Love is the impelling power, and as through affinity and attraction, a chemical union takes place between two substances producing other substances, so a union of the sexes on the spiritual plane, accomplishes results greater than could be accomplished separately.
The artist has visions of new creations, the author has inspirations for new works, the inventor has new plans and models for machinery and devices. There is no limit to the power of a true soul union.
It specifically increases the gift of healing and may be purposely directed to free a friend from pain and suffering.
The sexual union which is planned and controlled, becomes glorified through conscious appropriation, while new meanings and new powers are given to conjugal love. This conservation, furthermore, is a precursor and preparation for parenthood; for the conception of welcome and desired offspring that shall in turn have the inheritance of loving intention and premeditated wisdom.