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Observations placeholder

Saint Francis of Paola - The Gift of Healing



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Reverend Butler  - The Lives or the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints, Vol. IV, 1864

Before he was quite twenty years old, two other devoutly inclined persons joined him, imitating his holy exercises. The neighbours built them three cells and a chapel, in which they sung the divine praises, and a certain priest from the parish church came and said mass for them. This is reputed the first foundation of his religious Order, in 1436.

Near seventeen years after, their number being much increased, with the approbation of the Archbishop of Cosenza, a large church and monastery were built for them in the same place towards the year 1454. So great was the devotion of the people that the whole country joined, and all hands were set to this work; even noblemen would share in carrying burdens.

During the erection of this building, our saint performed several miracles.

Among others, a person deposed upon oath in the process of the saint's canonization that he himself was healed in an instant of a painful lameness in his thigh by the prayer of the servant of God.

When the house was completed, he applied himself to establish regularity and uniformity in his community, not abating in the least of his former severity with regard to himself. His bed was no longer indeed the rock, but it was a board or the bare floor, with a stone or a log of wood for his pillow, till, in his old age, he made use of a mat.

He allowed himself no more sleep than was absolutely necessary to refresh weary nature, and to enable him to resume his devout exercises with greater vigor. He took but one repast a day, in the evening, and usually nothing but bread and water. Sometimes he passed two days without taking any food, especially before great festivals.

The source of the experience

Saint Francis of Paola

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


Safe House
